Rob Lowe recently showed his disappointment in NFL player Cam Newton by posting a disdainful tweet that’s backfired on the actor so much that Twitter users are letting him know that they “never forget.”
FOX 25 reports that Lowe, 51, didn’t take kindly to Carolina Panthers quarterback Cam Newton walking out of a post-Super Bowl game press conference on Sunday evening. He took to Twitter to sarcastically call Newton “classy,” and insinuate the quarterback is a bad role model to children . Unfortunately for Lowe, that one tweet brought up discussion about Lowe’s own morality and what happened in Atlanta decades ago.
Wow. What a press conference from Cam Newton. So gracious!So classy! So humble! What an example to kids! Just like Peyton. #dab #SuperBowl
— Rob Lowe (@RobLowe) February 8, 2016
In 1988, while attending a Democratic National Convention in Atlanta, Georgia, Lowe, then 24, went to a nightclub, where he met an underage girl. The girl, identified as Lena Jan Parsons, only 16 at the time, allegedly told Lowe that she was 21, and ended up having sex with the actor later that night in his hotel room. The escapade was taped and the video leaked, went onto the black market, and sold for as much as $500 t0 $1,000.

Yet, it wasn’t until Parson’s mother found out about the incident that the tapes went public to the masses. After Parson’s mother sued Lowe for seducing her daughter, the Atlanta District Attorney’s Office announced it would investigate the incident, and the news quickly hit the front page of newspapers across the nation.
Although it’s been nearly 30 years since the incident took place, many Twitter users are reminding Lowe of his indiscretions and blasting him for stating someone else is unclassy when he slept with a 16-year-old.
@RobLowe Oh like you were when you were 26 and got caught with that underaged girl? Your white privilege is why you aren’t in prison now!
— Bloated IG Political Commentator (@coreybking) February 8, 2016
Lowe wasn’t the only one to take jabs at Newton. In a tweet that he quickly deleted, sports commentator Bill Romanowski wrote, “You will never last in the NFL with attitude. The world doesn’t revolve around you boy, #CamNewton.”
After suffering backlash himself, Romanowski apologized for his tweet, but it was Lowe who received the harshest reactions. From being called a statutory rapist to a child molester, Newton fans didn’t hold back on the actor.
Some Twitter users pointed out that other NFL players walked away from conferences, as well, but never received the criticism that Newton is getting, not only from Lowe and Romanowski, but from numerous other Twitter users who expressed their disappointment.
In 2013, New England Patriots quarterback Tom Brady walked out of a post-game press conference after losing the Super Bowl game to the Miami Dolphins. Yet, the criticism he received paled in comparison to the negativity surrounding Newton.
ESPN staff writer David Newton also took note of the criticism regarding Newton, writing that the derogatory remarks started well before the NFL player walked out of Sunday’s press conference.
“He was called immature and moody during his first couple of NFL seasons because he sometimes sat alone on the sideline with a towel over his head when the team was losing. He’s been questioned for a lack of leadership. He’s been questioned for his dabbin’ and dancing after scoring touchdowns, for taking photos of teammates at the end of a blowout win.”
Rob Lowe didn’t comment on the backlash, but instead posted a photo of himself with former Dallas Cowboys player Michael Irvin.
Spent some time with one of the greats, my pal Michael Irvin, at the #superbowl
— Rob Lowe (@RobLowe) February 8, 2016
[Photo by Frederick M. Brown/Getty Images/Stringer]