“2016: Obama’s America” the anti-Obama independent film created by director Dinesh D’Souza had a very strong showing during the documentary’s opening weekend. The film opened at a single theater in Texas over the weekend amid a “low key” protest by President Barack Obama supporters, The Blaze reports. “2016: Obama’s America” grossing more than $31,750 from the two-day showing in Texas, a solid showing for an independent releases, notes the Hollywood Reporter.
“2016: Obama’s America” bested the global warming documentary, “An Inconvenient Truth” by Al Gore, which garnered a $30,887 per theater average during the film’s opening weekend. The current box office record for “politically-charged” documentaries is held by “Fahreneheit 9/22” by Michael Moore. The film hit a $41,961 per theater average during its opening weekend. The only movies which “out-grossed” the anti-Obama documentary this weekend were “Ice Age: Continental Drift” and “The Amazing Spider-Man.”
Edwards Houston Marq’E Stadium 23 & IMAX hosted a free promotional screening of the anti-Obama documentary on Thursday to a standing room only crowd. More than 200 people eager to watch “2016: Obama’s America” were turned away, according to the Hollywood Reporter. Moviegoers sat in the aisles after all the seats were taken for the Obama film – many arriving at lest 90 minutes before showtime. The movie was shown in multiple theaters and three auditoriums – all sold out viewings.
Dinesh D’Souza’s film comes by the way of Gerald Molen producer of the blockbuster hits “Jurassic Park,” “Rain Man” and “Schindler’s List.” The Obama documentary is based on D’Souza’s book, “The Roots of Obama’s Rage” and features an interview with Obama’s half-brother George. D’Souza’s “2016: Obama’s America” also delves into Barack Obama’s history with his mentor, Frank Marshall Davis, a self-avowed Communist.