Despite promising to break box office records, Transformers 2: Revenge of the Fallen hasn’t won critics over, with the current score on Rotten Tomatoes reading a paltry 22%.
The reviews are so bad, we just had to share some of the quotes:
“Bay’s most unrestrained and ridiculous to date. The male teenage cinematic equivalent of snorting cocaine off a hooker’s ass.”
“I honestly wish it could change itself into a good movie, instead it ends up being one of the worst sequels I’ve ever seen.”
“Despite having lowered the artistic bar to Death Valley levels, director Michael Bay has somehow managed to figure out a way to slither beneath with the flexibility of the pole dancers-in-training that he prefers to hire as his female extras.”
“I hated every 149 minutes. This is so bad it’s immoral. Michael Bay is a time-sucking vampire who will feast off your lost time. This is why the movie is so long.”
“The dubious, tasteless humor and awful dialogue don’t help. Neither does having a leading lady who can’t act — Fox seems to be regressing in her development as a performer.”
Despite the reviews, here’s betting the draw of Megan Fox’s highly over-rated ass will still bring in the crowds. The full set of Rotten Tomatoes reviews here.