Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg might be a good dad, but reportedly he is a terrible neighbor. While his driveway stands empty, two security SUVs take up two prime parking spots in the posh San Francisco neighborhood where he lives and his neighbors are not too happy.
Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg owns a $10 million house on Liberty Hill in the Mission District of San Francisco and it seems he is making no friends in the area.
As reported in SFGate , neighbors reportedly wrote a letter which is circulating in the area, complaining that while his driveway stands empty, two security SUVs take up the most “desirable parking” spots on the street.
Mark Zuckerberg’s Neighbors Write Irate Letter About His Security Detail https://t.co/9YBbanYaST pic.twitter.com/2N3OXeiozL
— San Francisco CA (@SF_CA_RR) January 13, 2016
This isn’t their first complaint however, as while Zuckerberg renovated his new home on Fair Oaks Street, they have been having to put up with the construction work, the noise and the trash involved in said renovation. Now he adds the two silver SUVs belonging to his security team, parking illegally on the street, to the mix.
The letter (which can be viewed here ) stressed, “I’m sure you all agree that it can be cumbersome living next to Zuck. I think we’ve all tried to be as patient and civil as possible during the very long construction, the noise, the trash, the blocking of streets, etc.”
The construction work is reportedly now over, but now that “the circus is done we are left with 2 silver SUV’s permanently occupying desirable parking spots.”
The letter said that it goes without saying that living close to Dolores Park and the “awesome neighboring districts” creates a challenge when it comes to street parking as it is, “so the 2 spots that are illegally being held for Zuck only makes matters worse.”
It was over last weekend that the letter began circulating around the neighborhood, pushing neighbors to rat out Mark Zuckerberg to the San Francisco Municipal Transportation Agency whenever they see his silver security SUVs pinching the desirable parking spots, and also requesting them to complain to Zuckerberg’s residential security manager, Tim Wenzel.
According to the letter, the angry neighbors have already spoken to the security guards themselves. They say the guards were “cordial” but that they said they were told by their supervisors not to move the cars under any circumstances.
“They acknowledge that they are occupying the space with no turnover and illegally.”
The letter continued by saying Zuckerberg’s guards could park in his driveway – or even in front of his house – with no issue but the guards refuse to do so, “as that is not what they are instructed to do.”
It was Buzzfeed News that first heard about the letter and reported the story of the upset neighbors. They reportedly contacted a spokesperson for Facebook’s Mark Zuckerberg who said, “The security team’s cars are parked in accordance with local parking laws,” adding “The team strives to be sensitive to neighbors’ concerns and regrets any inconvenience.”
Mark Zuckerberg’s neighbours are FURIOUS with him, but what could the reason be? https://t.co/RDVr3qcEqT
— Bobby Botswana (@Maplestead4) January 15, 2016
As a recent article on the Inquisitr points out, Mark Zuckerberg made a New Year’s resolution to make his house into a smart home, a part of which would include a home security system that uses facial recognition when his friends come to visit and ring the doorbell. It’s possible that he’s also thinking such a system might be incredibly handy when angry neighbors come to call.
In other news relating to Mark Zuckerberg, he recently made a stand relating to vaccinations for his brand new baby girl. Using the cutest images imaginable of himself and his new daughter Max, and while not specifically saying so, it seems Zuck is not among those against vaccinations for children .
[Photo by David Ramos/Getty Images]