No matter how much of it you’ve already watched, Netflix always has something for you to watch if you look hard enough. Sometimes, your hours and hours of searching will have you falling back into the same areas of movies and TV shows. Believe it or not, there are actually secret codes that will unlock hidden categories and genres to give you more couch-sitting and binge-watching time.
If you’re done watching all of Making a Murderer in one day, then you need more to watch. There is plenty on Netflix that is absolutely worthless and not even deserving of a first viewing, but you find yourself watching it anyway because you’ve run out of things to check out.
Gizmodo has revealed a trick that they say has been around for quite some time, but many may not have been aware of it. There are actually secret codes out there added in by Netflix engineers that can present so-called hidden genres and categories to you.
This will allow you to actually whittle down your choices so that you can see things more specifically in the library on Netflix. Now, you won’t have to see 300 westerns made with a $20 budget while trying to get to the good ones.

The entire process has been broken down by Uproxx , and it’s been explained in ways that are easy to follow for everyone. Here is just an example, and it’s one that deals with the category of “Documentaries.”
The URL that you see for “Documentaries” is .
Now, that may not look like much to some and probably makes even less sense to more. What you need to focus on is the numerical code at the end of the URL, as that is what takes you to special locations around Netflix.
By changing that number at the end of the URL, you can actually go straight to alternate genres on Netflix. For instance, Disney is code 67673, Anime Horror is 10695, and Belgin films are accessed by using code 262.
This is a great way to narrow the entire list and cut down on your searching time while trying to find something to watch on Netflix. You may want to hurry up and get a copy of the categories, though, because it appears as if Netflix is not too thrilled that this info is out there.
So far, there have been two copies of the list, including a Google Doc, removed from the internet, and they are no longer available.
You can still download a PDF file of the codes at this link. For a list that is still online, Ogres-Crypt looks to have had one removed, but there is an extremely comprehensive list at this link , and it’s still up as of Saturday morning.
Once you see the list, you’ll realize just how many codes are out there and how intricate the insider details of Netflix actually are. For instance, there are 87 different categories for “Goofy” movies in genres of thrillers, kids movies, sci-fi, and so much more.
Not every single code you try is going to work, and that is due to how up-to-date Netflix keeps updating its library. There are also differences between countries, movies being added, and choices being taken away each month too.
Still, a lot of them do work and will help you in your binge-watching.
Netflix, or someone related to the company, is working on removing these lists of secret codes from the internet, so you will want your own copy before they’re all gone. Even then, Netflix may work up a new way of doing categories or genres to make them totally obsolete. Either way, for the time being, take advantage of them and happy watching.
[Photo by Jin Lee/Bloomberg via Getty Images]