Nestled in the enchanting wilderness of the Canadian Rockies, vivid above a pristine heartland of Alberta’s Kananaskis Country, towering over neighboring icy snow-clad summits, the Fortress Mountain has blasted into prominence, seizing the imagination of skiers as well as holiday-makers. Despite having been somewhat relegated to obscurity as a skiing retreat outside of Alberta for nearly four decades, it is still known to many for its magnificent slopes, immortalized in celebrated Hollywood blockbusters namely Inception , and The Bourne Legacy .
Slated to commence full-scale operations in December 2016, the Fortress Mountain Resort has already started to unravel some of its striking attractions, marked by a “cat-skiing operation” atop its icy inclines. The endeavor aims to reinforce public awareness for the resort’s revival campaign and has already begun to bear fruition.
According to Chris Chevalier, President of Fortress Mountain Resort, the region offers unprecedented prospects for visitor demand.
“We take 14 people a day and, basically, the cat is providing the lift service. The entire hill is theirs, and it’s been a wonderful experience watching the reactions of the guests as they have this great place all to themselves for the day. For us, it’s also really exciting as we are part of planning the redevelopment of this really beautiful and special area. We have one single cat and we are out four or five days a week, depending on the snow. We meet people at the bridge (at the start of the gravel road) at 8:30 am and drop them off at about 4:45 pm. The cat skiing is a break-even operation designed to let people experience what Fortress can be.”
Inaugurated in 1967, during the following four decades, Fortress was comparatively less prominent than the other Alberta ski resorts. It was bought over by The Bannf Railways in 2005 with the object of powering it back into the spotlight but evidently making little headway. The present proprietors acquired the property in 2010 and subsequently initiated the cat-skiing operation.
Originally known as Snowridge, it was later named Fortress Mountain; inspired by the unique stony, fortress-like structures towering over the its slopes. Its location is about half an hour deeper into Kananaskis Country, ultimately leading trekkers towards the resort’s base. The cat skiing initiative is the first stride forward, towards a more concerted plan to revitalize lift-skiing, erect a new lodge and eventually accommodate scores of visitors in the resort for the first time ever, but not before the owners have obtained an official nod of approval from the Province of Alberta.
Intriguing mountain vistas, fascinating panoramic landscapes and comfortable access to the location make Kananaskis a riveting destination for ardent skiers and winter travelers. Located barely an hour’s drive from Western Canada’s economic hub Calgary, Kananaskis offers thrilling outdoor adventure opportunities every season such as rafting, mountain biking, hiking and horse-riding.
It’s famous Nakiska Ski Hill, that hosted the 1988 Winter Olympics Skiing Event, is a world-class winter skiing destination. More importantly, adding to the delight of skiers and wildlife enthusiasts, the region offers a landscape bursting with an abundance of winter wildlife, particularly bears and cougars.
Canada’s Rocky Mountains are an epicenter of great adventure and excitement. In the very heart of their splendid snow-glazed landscapes, the Fortress Mountain appears to offer an exquisite and unspoiled scenic setting for travelers seeking recreation, relaxation and repose.
Presently open only for cat skiing, Fortress Mountain employs a “highly experienced avalanche professional” along with a team of qualified and accomplished mountain rescue and first-aid experts prepared to ensure the safety of its visitors. Despite being surrounded by an another popular Provincial Park and lacking immediate access to nearby resorts, Fortress Mountain nonetheless enjoys a strong following among Calgary skiing enthusiasts.
[Image Credit: Alexis Boichard/Getty Images]