iPhone ‘Cloth’ App Tells You What To Wear Based On Daily Weather Conditions
When we think of weather apps we often picture weather forecasts, radar maps and other “typical” options, however Cloth App for iPhone and iPod Touch devices offers something new, clothing choices based on the current weather conditions outside.
The program was created by Seth Porges and his girlfriend after he realized she was taking pictures of her various outfits and storing them all over her iPhone.
The original version of Cloth let users photograph and catalog different outfits from their warddrobe, sharing them via social media, however it soon turned into a clothing forecast app with full integration into the Wunderground real-time location-based weather platform.
The new version of the Cloth app debuts on Wednesday and it works by automatically tagging uploaded outfits based on the weather of the day. Each time an outfit is photographed it is tagged into rainy, warm or hot. When the same weather conditions come up a user can browse their outfits and find something that fits current weather conditions.
The apps creator spoke with Wired and revealed:
“The app’s been incredibly useful since New York’s weather has been so topsy-turvy lately. It’ll be 50 degrees one day and 80 the next.”
Here’s a video that shows off the early version of Cloth:
[iframe src=”http://player.vimeo.com/video/33643592?title=0&byline=0&portrait=0? width=”400? height=”300?]
You can also learn more about the Cloth App at Clothapp.com.
Do you see the value in cataloging your outfits and then relying on weather patterns to choose your clothing or is this app a bit of overkill on the developers part?