Actor and model Ashton Kutcher and his wife, Mila Kunis, are famously determined to keep their daughter Wyatt Isabelle Kutcher out of the spotlight. Kutcher has to date kept pictures of 13-month-old Wyatt Isabelle of his social media feeds and has made every effort to protect baby Kutcher’s privacy. Last night, social media went nuts when Kutcher posted a picture of a little girl on his Instagram feed. Now it seems fans are desperate to know whether or not Kutcher has broken his self-imposed social media embargo by posting a snap of his daughter.
If Kutcher has posted a picture of his daughter, then Ashton has done so in support of a very good cause. Kutcher’s image is of a toddler who seems to be about the same age as Wyatt Isabelle. The snap shows a little girl wearing a yellow floral shirt matched with vibrant pink three-quarter length trousers and green canvas shoes.
The Daily Mail points out that Kutcher’s image shows the child pointing skywards whilst cracks filled with red sand at her feet draw the eye into the image. The image shared by Kutcher bears the caption “39 million people have fallen through the cracks into modern-day slavery.”
Kutcher’s picture shows Ashton’s support for the “Red Sand Project” which aims to raise awareness of modern day slavery and human trafficking. According to Hello magazine Kutcher is showing his support for the project created by artist Molly Gochman in the hope of reminding people that they “can’t merely walk over the most marginalised people in our communities – those who fall through the metaphoric cracks.”
Kutcher has joined thousands of other people by filling cracks in the sidewalk with red sand and then sharing the pictures on social media in what is designed to be a collective, activist artwork.
As keen users of social media will be aware, Kutcher was the first Twitter user to amass one million followers on the popular platform. Kutcher has used social media to highlight a number of causes in the past. For example, earlier this year, Kutcher used Facebook to mount a campaign calling for better baby changing facilities in men’s restrooms.
Of course Ashton’s use of social media hasn’t always been to the good. In November 2011, Kutcher received much criticism for his tweet in response to the Jerry Sandusky child sexual abuse scandal the post was deemed by many to be in very poor taste. In 2011 Kutcher and then spouse Demi Moore were widely criticized for using incorrect figures as part of a campaign to raise awareness of child prostitution and human trafficking. Kutcher’s claims that 100,000 to 300,000 American children were sold into sexual slavery were criticized and later proven inaccurate.
It is important to reiterate that neither Kutcher nor his wife have confirmed that the picture posted by Ashton is of their daughter. However, the picture also appears to share a panorama of Lake Hollywood where Kutcher owns a home, so it seems likely that the image is of Wyatt Isabelle Kutcher.
Until now, Kutcher has fought hard to maintain Baby Kutcher’s privacy. Hollywood Life reports that Ashton has even used Twitter to a ppeal to the media to respect that he “would like to keep my child private for safety reasons.”
Why is it so hard for publications to respect that I would like the identity of my child kept private for safety reasons? Pls honor that.
— ashton kutcher (@aplusk) May 19, 2015
If Ashton has indeed shared a snap of his daughter he has been careful not to reveal too much. The child has her back to the camera and only a partial profile of her face can be seen.
[Photo by Frazer Harrison/Getty Images]