The HBO hit show Game of Thrones hit a milestone this week. Roughly the same amount of time has passed since the finale of Game of Thrones Season 5, “Mother’s Mercy” aired as remains until the premiere of Season 6. For fans of Game of Thrones and A Song of Ice and Fire , the series on which the show is based, the past six months have been full of leaks, theories, and debates. Is Jon Snow alive? Did Sansa Stark and Theon Greyjoy survive their leap of faith from the battlements of Winterfell? Will the White Walkers make it past the Wall? The answer to some of those questions seems to be yes.
Not long after production began on Game of Thrones Season 6, photos emerged of actor Kit Harington on set and in costume. Rather than the black ensemble typical of his time at the Wall, Harington wore a costume in line with typical northern clothing, a blue tunic, and a brown vest. Interestingly, Kit Harington appeared to film a battle sequence. According to fan site Watchers on the Wall , the battle will occur between the armies of House Bolton and House Karstark, House Umber, and Jon Snow representing House Stark.
There is no word on which episode will feature the epic battle, or which of the bastards of the north will be the victor, but Watchers on the Wall theorizes that Game of Thrones Season 6 will finally see Ramsay Bolton receive his comeuppance. Granted there is a chance that the producers, the director of “Mother’s Mercy,” Maisie Williams, Liam Cunningham (Davos Seaworth), and Sean Bean are all telling the truth about Jon Snow’s demise.
The North isn’t the only place in Westeros that will see a battle in Game of ThronesSeason 6. As previously reported by the Inquisitr, Season 6 will return to the Riverlandsarea of Westeros, specifically Riverrun, the former seat of House Tully, now under siege by the army of House Lannister. The Riverlands story will bring together Jamie Lannister, Bronn, Blackfish Tully, Brienne of Tarth, Podrick Payne, and Edmure Tully. That might prove bad news if you happen to be a fan of any or all of those characters, because rumor has it two of them won’t survive the season.
Game of Thrones fan channel Irish Throne claims to know of major character deaths that will be filmed in Ireland, the real world stand-in for the Riverlands. They won’t say whose time in Westeros is almost up, but with the series potentially winding down during Season 8, any and every character might be marked for death.
@MelissaRogers27 yes news as in major character deaths we know of,they’re major spoilers so we haven’t said anything& yeah we believe in LSH
— Irish Thrones (@IrishThrones) November 4, 2015
Another section of Westeros that might see battle during Game of Thrones is the Wall. In Episode 8 of Game of Thrones Season 5, “Hardhome,” a small group of brothers of the Night’s Watch joined forces with the wildlings in an attempt to repel an ambush by the White Walkers. The battle was a spectacular failure for the human forces, and seemed only to increase the White Walkers’ numbers and introduce their menacing leader. During the explosive finale of Game of Thrones Season 5, “Mother’s Mercy,” the brothers of the Night’s Watch murdered their Lord Commander, Jon Snow.
What does that mean for the Night’s Watch and the Wall in Season 6? According to Winter is Coming, there is a chapter in A Dance of Dragonsin which Bran relays a story Old Nan told him that explains the potential downfall of the Wall.
“The monsters cannot pass so long as the Wall stands and the men of the Night’s Watch stay true, that’s what Old Nan used to say.”
The brothers of the Night’s Watch technically remained true in Season 4, as traitors murdered Lord Commander Mormont. And as Samwell Tarley pointed out, the vows on the Night’s Watch doesn’t prevent them from sexual encounters, it only prevents them from marrying and fathering children. Which means neither Jon Snow nor Samwell Tarley’s previous amorous activity counts as a failure to remain true. That grace period ended when the brothers conspired to murder Jon Snow.
If the theory proves true, then expect a massacre at the Wall early in Season 6.
[Image via HBO]