Sometimes there are celebrities that have trouble taking care of their own social networks. It turns out that Adele is one of those celebrities. Business Insider is now sharing that Adele actually isn’t allowed to do her own tweets. She has to be very careful and this is all because of a bit of drunk tweeting Adele did before they took away her privileges. Adele was recently at a BBC special with Graham Norton and when it was being recorded the audience was able to ask her questions. This is when the news about Adele’s drunk tweeting was revealed.
Adele then admitted that she actually has to have all of her tweets approved by her management before they go out. This keeps her from making a mistake and Adele can’t accidentally send out something inappropriate. The singer went on to explain the reason it is like this for her when someone in the audience asked if it was true.
“That is true, yeah. I’m not a drinker any more, but when Twitter first came out I was drunk tweeting and nearly put my foot in it quite a few times. So my management decided that you have to go through two people and then it has to be signed off by someone. But they’re all my tweets. No one writes my tweets. They just post them for me. So yeah, that’s very, very true.”
If you do follow Adele on Twitter, these are the actual tweets that she wrote and sent out. The thing is, you just might be seeing Adele’s tweets a little bit after she wrote them since everyone has to approve them first. At least Adele didn’t have to let them totally take over her account and do the tweets for her.
Adele has 23.8 million followers on Twitter. This is not a small amount and actually explains why she would need to be so careful about what she says on the social network. The second that Adele sent out something inappropriate, everyone would have a screen shot of it and be sharing it all over the world. Adele is just being careful by having it checked before she sends it out and a few other celebrities could probably learn from Adele.
Hollywood Life shared that this upcoming BBC special about Adele will also be the first time that Adele has been seen performing her new song “Hello” live. This song became a hit the second that she put it out there. This comes nearly three years after Adele was seen on stage last and her fans are happy to have her back once again. Adele was dressed in a gorgeous green dress for the special and the preview shows how perfect Adele performs this new hit song.
This big special will have Adele actually singing songs from her new album and she will also sit down with Graham Norton. Adele and Norton will have a nice sit down interview where fans get to know more about her. Adele’s new album is coming out November 20, which will be around the same time that Adele’s special will be airing for fans. Her last album was in 2011, so fans have been waiting on Adele to put out new music. Hopefully Adele won’t wait so long before her next album is released. Adele fans want music from her as often as she can put it out.
Are you surprised to hear that Adele isn’t allowed to send out her own tweets without prior approval? Do you have plans to watch her upcoming BBC special? Sounds off in the comments below on your thoughts about Adele’s drunk tweeting and don’t miss the Adele special when it airs in November.
[Photo by Ben A. Pruchnie/Getty Images]