Retiring Massachusetts Representative Barney Frank became the latest Democrat to slam the public sector unions and liberal activists for pushing so hard for a recall election to replace Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker .
The liberal firebrand, Frank alluded to the massive cash advantage that Republicans had in the race, told the Hill on Wednesday,
“I think the people on the Democratic side made a big mistake and the funding thing was a big deal. My side picked a fight they shouldn’t have picked. The recall was upsetting to people, the rerun of the election with [Democratic Milwaukee Mayor] Tom Barrett — it’s not a fight I would have picked.”
Republicans have been dancing in the streets with happiness over the results of the recall in which Walker easily won by a seven point margin over Tom Barrett. Republicans are now saying that they believe Wisconsin to be in play in 2012 and that the election results translate into a growing dissatisfaction with public sector unions. Frank did deny that the race had any form of national concern.
Frank said though in advice to Democrats and Unions,
“People need to be more strategic about the fights they pick,”
These are shocking words coming from Frank, who never shies away from a fight an has no problem championing the most controversial aspects of the Democratic Party. Frank is the first openly gay congressman in the house. He is marrying his partner in July .
Frank is not the first Democrat to come out and say that the recall effort was a mistake. Former Pennsylvania Governor Ed Rendell told the Hill earlier on Wednesday that the recall effort was a “dumb political fight” for labor to have picked.