There is once again going to be only one CSI series airing on CBS, as the CSI series finale aired last weekend, and the Cyber spinoff premieres its second season this Sunday. However, with Ted Danson taking his D.B. Russell character to the East Coast, it should help ease the way for some fans.
The CSI series finale saw notable returns from original cast members William Petersen and Marg Helgenberger, as everyone reunited to solve one last case together in Las Vegas. Once that was over, Sara, who had been pointed director of the program, and Grissom sailed off together on his boat, Catherine decided to return to Vegas to take care of her casino, her daughter (now a CSI herself, to Grissom’s surprise, and responsible for what might be the most memorable line of the finale from Catherine) and two girls who had become orphans after their mother was killed in the bombing at her casino that kicked off the investigation.
Meanwhile, it was a quiet exit from the Vegas office for D.B. Russell, whose position Sara had applied for, as Catherine found him packing up his stuff near the end of the finale.
“Opportunity knocked. Never too late to start a new chapter, as they say,” he said when talking about his move to Cyber . “I’m not one for big goodbyes, cakes, candles and hullabaloo,” he explained and turned down her offer to help him carry something because “everything that’s in my mind and in my heart is right here in this box.”
So now he’s going to be joining Patricia Arquette’s Avery and her CSI: Cyber team , with showrunner Pam Veasey explaining to CBS News that “he wasn’t quite finished with the crime world.”
“He is the director of Next Generation Forensics. So he combines the CSI world of fingerprints and DNA with the technology of next generation products. He’s the one always bringing in the newest thing, like a baby pacifier, that is Bluetooth… He then gives it to our team of hackers, our young people, and says, ‘Hack this so we’re one step ahead of the bad guy.’”
TVLine also spoke to Veasey about what to expect from D.B. joining the Cyber Crime Division and posted a sneak peek teasing what to expect from his and Avery’s reunion, and their dynamic isn’t going to change.
“Avery’s definitely still the head of the department, so there’s no conflict there,” the showrunner explained, adding a tease that should make for a fun dynamic between D.B. and Nelson.
“Nelson decides he’s going to help D.B. date in Washington. He introduces D.B., the old-fashioned guy who still walks up to people and says ‘Hello,’ to the world of dating apps.”
The sneak peek from the CSI: Cyber Season 2 premiere shows D.B. and Avery at the scene of a burglary. It looks like someone vacuumed the floor, but missed a section, leaving the outline of something odd-shaped. However, then D.B. finds an automatic vacuum, which has a timer that can be set to vacuum on a schedule. Furthermore, it has memory and can recall the layout of a room, including the placement of furniture and objects, and maneuvers around them. It can help them figure out what was taken from the room.
Entertainment Weekly has another sneak peek from the premiere episode featuring Avery and D.B. When he asks if she’s still debating whether to take the Deputy Director job, she tells him he’s not taking it, because she needs to stay in the field. See, she’s going to catch Python, the most dangerous drug dealer on the deep web – and implicated in six murders – and she can’t do that as the Deputy Director. Besides, she’s not too worried about who’s going to fill the spot since they spent the last of their budget on D.B.’s new lab.
“I can’t tell you how much I appreciate having a new chapter in my life,” he tells her, echoing his words to Catherine in CSI ‘s last episode.
CSI: Cyber Season 2 airs Sundays at 10 p.m. on CBS.
[Images via CBS]