Mitt Romney’s campaign and American Crossroads, the SuperPAC being run by ex Bush adviser Karl Rove, are planning to go after President Obama’s jobs record this week and specifically what they call “The Mother Of All Earmarks”, the stimulus package passed when the President was first elected.
American Crossroads has vowed to spend more than $300 million dollars this campaign season to elect Mitt Romney.
Romney’s campaign is poised to attack Obama for losing American’s jobs.
A Romney aide said,
“Were these investments the best return on tax dollars, or given for ideological reasons, to donors, for political reasons? He spent $800 billion of everybody’s money. How’d it work out? It was the mother of all earmarks, not a jobs plan. By wasting all of this money, you had the worst of all worlds: It destroyed confidence in the economy and makes people less likely to borrow money. Dodd-Frank has been a disaster for the economy. Where are the steady hands? Who’s in charge of energy? Where’s the strong, confident voice on the economy?”
Obama’s campaign quickly fired back saying,
“While the President brought the nation back from the brink of another Depression, bet on American workers to revive manufacturing and the auto industry, and put in place protections to prevent another financial crisis, we know what Mitt Romney would have done in the face of a severe economic crisis. He would have let Detroit go bankrupt … ceded the clean energy market … and … let the finances of middle class families be held hostage by continuing to allow Wall Street to write its own rules.”
American Crossroads on Tuesday previewed a video “Public Equity, in the spot they said according to,
“Obama’s attacking private equity. But what’s his record on PUBLIC equity investing? … Obama invested our tax dollars in Solyndra. Lost half a billion. … Failed investment strategies. Jobs eliminated. Millions lost. PUBLIC equity President Obama played Wall Street games with OUR money.”
Romney has also released a campaign video called “Half the Story which said,
“President Obama is spending your tax dollars to create jobs. How’s he doing? You’ve heard of Solyndra. They took $535 million in taxpayer loan guarantees and went bankrupt. But that’s not even half the story. Obama’s Department of Energy has handed out billions of dollars in loans and grants. First Solar: Three billion dollars in taxpayer-backed loan guarantees. Now they’re cutting jobs and their stock is near all-time lows. ECOtality: Received $126 million in taxpayer money. Lost $45 million, and currently under investigation. SunPower: More than a billion dollars in loan guarantees. Lost half a billion last year. Laying off workers. More than $16 billion have gone to companies like Solyndra that are linked to big Obama and Democrat donors. The inspector general said contracts were steered to ‘friends and family.’ Obama is giving taxpayer money to big donors. And then watching them lose it. Good for them. Bad for us.”