Fans of Big Brother 17 watched Wednesday night as John McGuire was evicted for the second time. Despite conspiring with Vanessa Rousso just days before to oust Austin Matelson, Vanessa chose to send the “rockstar dentist” to jury.
In his exit interviews, McGuire said he has some game move regrets — one of them being that Austin blindside. As he told Julie Chen upon his departure, if Steve Moses went last time instead of Austin, then Vanessa would have been forced to break up the showmance this time around. He also told Entertainment Weekly not getting rid of Vanessa was potentially a fatal mistake.
“In hindsight, I wouldn’t have trusted Clay or Shelli with any information and I probably should have just told Steve to put Vanessa up even though it was 3 versus 3 with Austin and the Twins. Maybe we should have done a crazy thing and gotten rid of Vanessa then.”
Since Vanessa is still in the house, she has a good shot at going to the final two. McGuire told The Hollywood Reporter that he’s hoping it’s the remaining twin, Liz Nolan, who becomes the final member of the jury.
“[The] game player in me says Steve and Vanessa have played harder and deserve to be there more.”
Perhaps not surprisingly, McGuire said the Nolan twins, Liz and Julia, were the players he found hardest to get along with this season.
“It seems like they live the party, Miami lifestyle and that’s just something I have no interest in. It’s really tough to fake being interested in most of the things that come out of their mouth.”
John pretended he was a newbie at the Big Brother game to avoid being pegged as a superfan. The house’s two “out” superfans, Jason Roy and Steve, would often discuss past seasons. He told Big Brother Network it was tough to keep up the ruse that he didn’t know what they were talking about.
“I knew every single thing that Steve and Jason talked about all season and it was really hard to not talk about it! My story was I watched 16, 15 and then 14, up through Britney’s eviction. So, anytime there was a conversation about anything beyond that, I had to act like I didn’t know what they were talking about which was really hard. Super fan talk was probably about a third of all the conversations that went down in the house.”
As for who he will vote to win, John told THR he’s still mulling it over.
“I’m either going to give it to the person who played a strategic game or just vote for the other person.”
John McGuire heads to jury a week before the finale airs on September 23. On that night, the final Head of Household will chose who to take with him or her to the final two, and the last eviction will take place. In addition to crowning 1st and 2nd place, Big Brother will also name the winner of the America’s Favorite Houseguest Vote .
Big Brother airs on CBS.
[Image: CBS/ Tumblr ]