Kailyn Lowry wants the best for her children, and that includes child support. On last week’s episode, Lowry confronted Jo Rivera about Isaac’s lifestyle. Apparently, the money that Jo was providing wasn’t enough for Lowry. She explained that the money Jo had provided in child support barely made a dent in Isaac’s tuition for school. And Kailyn was asking Jo for more money, which turned out to be an awkward scene.
But Kailyn Lowry experienced some backlash on Twitter over asking Rivera for more money. Many of Lowry’s followers believe that she is living an expensive lifestyle with money from MTV, being able to pay for school and buying a new home. Maybe Lowry does have more money in her account compared to Jo, but does that mean he has to pay more child support?
According to a new tweet, Kailyn Lowry is now revealing that her success should not be compared to what Jo should be paying in child support.
“SURPRISE! I am going to be having a ‘Love is Bubblegum’ meet and greet launch party with in LA. Who’s coming? Be the first to receive a copy of my new children’s book before its even available to purchase, eat some treats, and have some fun with me! Tickets available soon!!!” Kailyn Lowry tweeted, hinting that she would be going on yet another big trip.
“It’s the fact that you still hit Joe up for more money when you got it good that disgusts me #eww,” one follower pointed out, with another chiming in, “what he has paid in past and if it was even enough so how does everyone assume she is asking for ‘too much.’”
“idk if she was asking for ‘too much’ I think she’s asking for ‘more’ when you’re blessed w/plenty you don’t need more,” the first follower replied back, having a third follower chime in, “I think she is atleast being open minded and in the fact she doesn’t wanna go to court. Atleast she is trying to.”
And that’s when Lowry got involved. Kailyn doesn’t think that her money has anything to do with what Rivera should pay. So even though Kailyn may be well-off thanks to her MTV paycheck, Kailyn still wants Jo to step up and pay more.
“What I have doesn’t decrease Jo’s responsibilities,” Lowry replied to her followers, who were being very judgmental about her money and her decision to ask for more.
Of course, one could argue that Kailyn is spending more than required to give her son the best. How much is she paying in tuition if Jo’s child support is barely helping? Plus, Lowry is putting Isaac into various activities, including modeling. Isaac recently walked the runway in New York for New York Fashion Week.
What do you think about Kailyn Lowry’s child support issues?
[Image via Instagram]