Big Brother 17 spoilers now include who got evicted on September 16. More Big Brother 17 spoilers immediately followed that, with the final Head of Household competition set to begin following the episode. The information was all revealed on the Wednesday episode of the show, but CBS had to cover what happened when the live feeds were down first. That included finally showing a bit of footage from inside the jury house as well as bringing back two former houseguests.
The episode began with the revelation of the new nominations, as made by Head of Household Steve Moses. As confirmed by fan site Big Brother Network , Steve nominated John McGuire (Johnny Mac) and Vanessa Rousso for eviction. Following information about the nomination ceremony, producers showed footage from the BB17 jury house before host Julie Chen briefly interviewed former houseguests Rachel Reilly and Brendon Villegas. The big news from Rachel is that she is pregnant.
Julie Chen built up the importance of the final Veto competition of the season, with the winner getting the only vote at the next eviction ceremony. The competition itself was a test about who could remember the specific days that events took place in the house. It came down to Vanessa Rousso and Johnny Mac on the final question, with Vanessa answering it first. This confirmed previous Big Brother 17 spoilers stating she had won the Veto.
At the eviction ceremony, Vanessa had to decide whether to send John or Liz Nolan to the BB17 jury house. After an overly long speech, Vanessa voted to evict John, making him the eighth member of the jury. This cemented the final three houseguests as Vanessa Rousso, Steve Moses, and Liz Nolan. There was a lot of applause from the audience when John left the house, showing how much fans have enjoyed watching him this season. John and James Huling seem to be the biggest competitors for the $25,000 prize given to the favorite houseguest of the season.
With the house down to just three competitors for the $500,000 grand prize, the final Head of Household competition gets started tonight. It is assumed to be an endurance competition, but it didn’t get started during the episode. It means there are going to be some exciting Big Brother 17 spoilers Wednesday night, with updates to be posted as soon as they are shown on the live feeds. There is also still time for fans of the show to vote for America’s Favorite Houseguest on the CBS website , with a $25,000 prize going to the winner.
[Image Source: CBS Big Brother Press Kit]