Monica Foy, the Sam Houston State University (SHSU) English major and self-professed “Black Lives Matter” supporter who said slain Houston police officer Darren Goforth “deserved to die,” is finally getting some support after what has been a harrowing week for the 26-year-old on social media.
After Breitbart made her “attempt at irony” public, Foy became the recipient of death threats through social media shaming and even voice mails, as detailed in a new piece from New York magazine.
In the piece, columnist Jesse Singal attempts to flip the script back on the journalist who originally picked up the story and brought forth a “right-wing lynch mob” on Foy.
It’s an interesting piece because it gives a little more “context” to what Monica Foy meant when she said that Goforth “deserved to die” because he had “creepy perv eyes.”
For Foy’s part, she has issued an apology and credited police, who have not held her comment against her, for playing it off “really cool when they were with me,” both while arresting her for an outstanding 2011 assault charge and in investigating death threats against her.
Foy acknowledged to the news magazine that “I don’t think I’ll ever feel safe again” due to the small percentage of people upset by her comment who may be crazy enough to act on their threats.
She continued with the following statement.
“To the majority of the public it’ll blow over. Labor Day weekend’s coming up, and I know people are going to party and forget. But there is a percentage of people that — I’m on their list. I’m on their eternal list, and they want my head on the chopping block…. It just takes one bullet to kill me from one gun from one person, and that one person is out there. So no, I will never feel safe. Not for me, not for my family, not for anyone I know who has publicly supported me.”
One family member who did not join with New York magazine in publicly supporting her was the father of Monica Foy, Andrew J. Foy.
He called in to conservative talk show host Michael Berry’s radio program and apologized profusely after sharing this email. (His actual appearance is available by clicking that link.)
Monica herself apologized to all offended by her comment in a letter sent to the Houston Chronicle , “especially to Darren Goforth’s family and friends — whose heartbreak I cannot begin to fathom, and to the law enforcement community.”
She continued.
“My statement and my choice of words were without the sensitivity that this tragedy calls for. I hope for nothing but peace and comfort for those in mourning, and cannot express how deeply I regret adding to their pain…. To the individual officers who have showed the utmost kindness and professionalism in protecting the safety of my family and friends, who have suffered due to my actions: I thank you from the bottom of my heart for your ability to see past any bias you may hold against me and to continue to protect and serve the communities in your charge…. I have a strong belief in the value of every human life, and believe that the American justice system, when free of corruption and abuse of power, safeguards the inherent dignity and worth of every life it touches. I again thank you for leading by example.”
For Jesse Singal, the person who really did something wrong with this incident, which effectively ran Monica Foy off social media entirely, is Brandon Darby of Breitbart Texas , who broke the initial story and tweeted a veiled threat to Foy.
“You have no idea how much you will regret having been this cold,” the site’s managing editor tweeted before screen-shotting the remark and sending it viral. “Enjoy the coming fame!”
Singal writes a sympathetic piece to Monica Foy, giving her side of the story and illustrating most of the “right-wing mob” against her as homicidal extremists. She also claims to have reached out to Darby.
“I emailed Darby some questions about why he saw Foy as a legitimate target, and I got back a response from a Breitbart spokesperson who said that Darby’s article was part of the website’s ongoing effort to investigate the ‘violent’ nature of BLM [Black Lives Matter] and its followers. The response is hard to take seriously given that Foy couldn’t be further from a public BLM figure, and that Darby openly admitted to a more straightforward motive: He was furious about the tweet and wanted to bring Foy ‘fame’ among Breitbart readers as retribution.”
So what do you think, readers? Is Monica Foy the only real victim in all this or is she getting her just desserts?
[Image of Monica Foy via now defunct Twitter profile]