Over the years on Big Brother , fans outside the house have tried to change the game. They have flown banners over the backyard or been close enough to yell advice or secret information to the houseguests. Tuesday evening, the Big Brother 17 houseguests experienced such a disruption, and it was enough for a threatened nominee to start to strategize about how to stay in the house.
Warning: Spoilers from the Big Brother 17 live feeds to follow.
As some Big Brother 17 fans already know, James Huling won the Power of Veto this week. He removed himself from the block and Vanessa Rousso, the Head of Household, put up Julia Nolan in his place. Julia sits alongside Meg Maley as Thursday night’s final two nominees.
On Tuesday evening, some houseguests were in the backyard when someone with a megaphone began to shout over the backyard wall. Part of the action was caught on Big Brother After Dark. As one YouTuber caught from the live feeds, John McGuire, Meg, and James were outside when the shouting started. A few minutes later, Liz Nolan and Austin Matelson came outside. The yelling started again and Big Brother production ordered the houseguests inside. James said he thought the shouter said “Austin wants Julia out,” although a user on Jokers Updates wrote that the messages were “vote out Julia,” “everyone wants Julia out,” and “Austin and Vanessa have deals with everyone.”
Big Brother Network reported that the message was enough to get James excited about potentially flipping the vote to keep Meg and vote out Julia. John had a conversation in the have-not room with James and Meg and seemed to be on board. He even suggested Austin planned to vote against Julia and claim it was John or Steve Moses who did it. They planned to try to get Austin or Steve to flip and vote for Meg to stay.
But once John went up to the HOH room, Meg and James began to worry that John was going to expose their plans to Austin before they had a chance to speak with him. That was not the case, but on Wednesday Big Brother Network reported that John told Vanessa he still planned to vote out Meg.
Also on Wednesday, the houseguests were given a new competition to practice. As a result, they have finally begun to suspect that Thursday’s episode will be a double eviction, and they are correct.
Big Brother 17 airs Wednesdays, Thursdays and Sundays on CBS. This season will wrap up on Wednesday, September 23.
[Image: CBS ]