Dish Network is under hot water with major TV networks after the company started promoting a new service called “Hopper.” The platform is available to DVR customers and allows them to skip commercials for recorded shows. Now Fox TV executives have decided to ban Hopper commercials from airing on their network.
The Hopper service was announced by Dish Network last week alongside an “Auto Hop” feature so customers would not have to remember to skip commercials.
As you can image Fox isn’t happy about the new program and in a press release they stated that the program was a slap in the face to TV networks who rely on ads to earn revenue and ultimately produce their expensive TV shows.
CBS chief Les Moonves quipped in an interview with the New York Times :
“How does Charlie Ergen expect me to produce CSI without ads?”
Moonves isn’t the only executive mad about the decision, as NBC boss Ted Harbert proclaimed:
“Just because technology gives you the ability to do something, does that mean you should?”
Other networks will likely follow Fox in their attempt to block Hopper ads which could pose a problem for Dish Network as the satellite service recently announced plans to triple its normal marketing spend in order to promote the Dish Network Hopper service.
Regardless of Fox and possibly other networks pulling Dish Network Hopper ads will you be taking advantage of the commercial skipping service?