The Deanna Ballman, Dr. Ali Salim, heroin murder case will be chronicled on the next Killer Instinct With Chris Hansen on Investigation Discovery (ID). A few weeks ago, the Inquisitr reported on the season premiere of this show that featured the case of Cleveland serial killer Anthony Sowell in the episode entitled “Nightmare on Imperial Avenue.” In tonight’s episode of Killer Instinct With Chris Hansen , the crime documentary show featuring award-winning journalist Chris Hansen, they will go behind the case files of Deanna Ballman-Houston, a 23-year-old woman who was found murdered in her car. At first, her death was ruled a heroin overdose, but upon deeper investigation, law enforcement officials uncovered a shocking secret about a local doctor who led a secret life that included drugs, needles, and sex with prostitutes he found online.
Deanna Ballman’s case exploded in 2012, when it was revealed that the missing mother had been found dead in her car in a remote area. She was nine months pregnant at the time of her death. Detectives were able to trace deleted phone messages and iCloud images to Dr. Ali Salim, a well-known emergency room physician from Pakistan. Investigators say Deanna Ballman, who had recently separated from her husband in Colorado, came to the Ohio area to be near family while she tried to get her life together. In need of money, Deanna Ballman answered a Craigslist ad, which lured her to Dr. Ali Salim, according to CBS News .
Prosecutors say that when Deanna answered the ad, she was kidnapped, raped, drugged, and murdered. The pregnant mother’s baby, who was born alive, also died. An autopsy report concluded that she had been injected with heroin.
Community members and former patients of Dr. Ali Salim were horrified to learn of the doctor’s secret sex life. Deanna Ballman’s family was absolutely crushed to learn of her fate. Around the time of Deanna’s horrible death, her brother was killed in an accidental shooting.
Tonight’s tease fo r Killer Instinc t episode, titled “A Girl in Need,” is as follows.
“When an expectant mother is found murdered, online clues lead police to every patient’s worst nightmare: a doctor who uses his skills to kill rather than cure. A call to Delaware county police about an abandoned car leads to the discovery of the body of 23-year-old Deanna Ballman.() Chris Hansen conducts an interview with Ballman’s mother, Lori Ballman to discover how her daughter could have ever become involved in this situation.”
According to Fox News , Deanna’s mother, Lori, last heard from her the day that she died.
“Deanna stated that she felt dizzy and did not feel well. Deanna then stopped talking.() A male with a foreign accent then got on the phone asking what he could do to help. The call was then lost.”
Tune in to Killer Instinct With Chris Hansen tonight at 7 p.m. In a previous report, the Inquisitr discussed the attack of another pregnant woman who answered a Craigslist ad . Last year, an elderly couple was also murdered after placing an ad on Craigslist.
[Photo Credit: YouTube]