Spider-Man , a comic book adaptation like Batman , has been plagued by poorly-adapted films. Though you had a good 1990s Spider-Man cartoon, there were some that were less than good. Sam Raimi made two-and-a-half good Spider-Man movies, then there was the Andrew Garfield Spider-Man films that seemingly tanked on its second outing. Tom Holland is the new promised hope of another good Spider-Man series, and according to Comicbook, young director Jon Watts has taken the reigns enthusiastically saying “It was an immediate ‘Yes.’”
Watts, who merely has two indie flicks under his belt, explained his process with working on the future Spider-Man film.
“You have to think about what story you want to tell, and what’s the best way to tell it. The idea that there are no real limitations is exciting, but I think you have to apply your own limitations to make sure you’re telling the right kind of story.”
Tom Holland will be playing Spider-Man almost one-year earlier than Jon Watts will be directing the webslinger, but Watts has already formed an opinion about the new Spider-Man, long before he suits up in red and blue.
“It feels like he’s the right age, he has the right level of enthusiasm and a little bit of confidence, but a lot of insecurity mixed into that. On top of nailing the character, he can also do a standing backflip.”
Before relative newcomer Tom Holland was chosen for the next Spider-Man, several candidates were in the running. There was Asa Butterfield, Charlie Plummer, Matthew Lintz, and of course, Tom Holland. In comparison to the past two Spider-Man directors, Jon Watts is a relative newcomer, so it will certainly be interesting to see if he can hold together what others couldn’t get past three films.
Tom Holland will show up as Spidey before the new Jon Watts-led Spider-Man is released in 2017, in the upcoming Captain America: Civil War . His Spider-Man cameo in the next Captain America has been one of the single most talked about topics of the film, even though Marvel and Spider-Man fans know very little about what his role is in the film.
Spider-Man , starring Tom Holland, still has over a year before it graces the big screen. So, it is certainly to judge just how the next Spider-Man will turn out. However, with all the quality comic book adaptations coming out of the last decade, fans will likely be very critical and very picky.
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