Kristen Taekman has returned to Twitter after over 24 hours of silence. On Monday, after Josh Taekman was named as one of the 30 million Ashley Madison users worldwide, the Real Housewives of New York City star temporarily abandoned social media. Then, one day later, on August 25, Kristen Taekman shared her first post-scandal tweet, thanking her many fans for their support during what is surely a difficult time for the reality star and mother of two.
Thank you all so much for your kind words and support.
— Kristen Taekman (@KristenTaekman) August 25, 2015
As the Inquisitr previously reported, Kristen Taekman’s husband initially denied having ties to Ashley Madison on Monday. When the U.K.’s Daily Mail first questioned the reality star husband about the issue, Josh claimed there must have been a mistake . However, hours later, he admitted to his wrongdoing in a statement to People Magazine .
“I signed up for the site foolishly and ignorantly with a group of friends and I deeply apologize for any embarrassment or pain I have brought to my wife and family. We both look forward to moving past this and getting on with our lives.”
In his first statement to the Daily Mail , Kristen Taekman’s husband issued the following denial of the site’s report, which claimed he had used the site a whopping 62 times in just three years.
“I don’t understand. There’s not a shot in hell that I’m a subscriber. I have no knowledge of that this is the first I’ve ever heard of it. This is crazy. I saw it on the TV the other day about the security breach and we were laughing about it. It is what it is but somebody is definitely fraudulently using my name and number.”
At the time of the report, the Daily Mail claimed Kristen Taekman’s husband has signed up for the site in 2011, but stopped logging in in mid-2014, around the time Kristen Taekman began starring in a full-time role on The Real Housewives of New York City .
Although there have been reports swirling, regarding a possible divorce between Josh and Kristen Taekman, the couple has not yet confirmed any such plans. However, it will certainly be a feat for the couple to get past the news of Josh’s Ashley Madison account.
For more Kristen Taekman, tune into part three of The Real Housewives of New York City ‘s Season 7 reunion tonight at 9 p.m. on Bravo.
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