According to one person very close to Kim Richards, her sister Kyle Richards has her back. On Monday, Kim’s ex-husband, Monty Brinson, posted a lengthy Instagram message in which he defended Kyle, who is currently filming the sixth season of The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills , against accusations that she doesn’t care about her sister and would in fact sell her out to the tabloids.
Apparently fed up with stories that he has a fractured relationship with his former sister-in-law, Monty said that he loves Kyle. He called Kyle a “ very kind hearted person who loves her family and friends.” He accompanied the message with a large photo of Kyle
“Just to set the record straight. I have nothing but love for her and her family we’ve been family for over thirty years. A very kind hearted person who loves her family and friends.Where all this stuff comes up I don’t know. Only wish the best for her and family. We’ve had a lot of laughs and good times though the years. And one last thing she is a great mother to her children @kylerichards18 #love #life#blessed #friends #rhobh.”
In response to one person who wrote that people are just wondering who is selling stories about Kim to the tabloids, Monty said that Kyle would never do that.
“Kyle would never do that she loves her sister. And would do anything for her.”
He added that Kyle is very supportive of Kim.
“Kyle is very supportive as well as the rest of the family. I’m just the ex but I sill consider them family and my true friends. I will stick up for each and everyone of them and if somebody has a problem with that then that’s there problem.”
Yet some of Monty Brinson’s followers still had some doubts about Kyle Richards’ support and love for Kim Richards. One person wrote that Kyle needs to remember the promise that she made to her and Kim’s mom prior to her passing to always help take care of Kim. The person wrote that Kim made a lot of money when she was young and did a lot for the family, implying that Kyle is now indebted to Kim. In response to that, Monty pointed out that the sisters’ mother simply asked them to be there for one another as family should.
“Big Kathy asked all three of her daughters to watch after each other. Just as I have when I pass away that my three daughters watch after each other. What loving family’s do.”
Five seasons of The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills has documented Kim and Kyle Richards’ up-and-down sibling relationship. On the first season, Kim accused Kyle of stealing a house that should have been hers after their mother’s passing. Kim brought up the accusation again on the fifth season. Kyle defended herself by reminding Kim that she was in no position to share a mortgage and that she agreed to the sale of the house.
While Kyle Richards is in Beverly Hills filming the show’s sixth season, the exact whereabouts of Kim Richards is not clear. On Monday, Radar Online reported that Kim has left her latest rehab center. A source said that Kim made the decision to leave, against the wishes of her family.
“Kim decided to leave. She just bolted. The staff has no clue where she went, and it was definitely against medical advice. Her family had just visited over the weekend!”
[Photo by Frazer Harrison / Getty Images]