The first part of the Real Housewives of New York reunion special recently aired, offering plenty of drama that centered mainly on Bethenny Frankel’s return to the show and her messy divorce. In fact, there was plenty of back and forth between the ladies during the show, with LuAnn de Lesseps trying to deny her initial feelings of Frankel being included on this season of the reality show.
“LuAnn made a toast to bringing you down,” Heather Tomson told Frankel. “She was not excited about Bethenny coming back.”
While De Lesseps denied ever doing such a thing, Carole Radziwill promptly told her, “LuAnn don’t lie.”
“If I did, I own it,” the Countess admitted.
Meanwhile, apart from her exchange with de Lesseps, host Andy Cohen pressed Bethenny Frankel on her pending divorce with Jason Hoppy. An emotional Frankel stated the whole process was “excruciating,” adding, “There’s no way for people to know what’s really going on.”
Frankel went on to divulge that jealousy and her own rise to fame may be partly to blame for her estranged husband’s actions.
“When you bring someone into fame … they see the shiny object and want the shiny object… then when they can’t get it, they don’t want you to have it,” she stated.
Radziwill then chimed in by stating Hoppy was playing “head games,” and that “he won’t answer the phone” when Frankel calls to talk to her daughter.
“There are so many head games being played.”
In fact, Radziwill added that Frankel has to call her daughter multiple times each day, as per court orders.
“She calls her daughter twice a day and it’s court appointed, and lots of times her ex-husband won’t answer the phone and I’ve seen her call, six, seven, eight, nine times and like she wants to talk to her daughter.”
According to the Daily Mail , Frankel was forced to pay $100,000 in attorney fees to Hoppy after the two settled on their custody battle. That being said, Hoppy reportedly makes around $100,000 a year while Frankel sold off her Skinnygirl franchise for $100 million.
Although she clearly looked as though she wanted to discuss the matter further, a non-disclosure agreement prevented Frankel from going into any more details concerning her divorce with Hoppy.
Meanwhile, the drama continues for Bethenny Frankel and the rest of the ladies as the second half of The Real Housewives of New York City is set to air August 25 on Bravo.
[Image Courtesy: Bravo]