Donald Trump isn’t letting a little thing like a presidential campaign stop him from doing jury duty. According to the New York Times , Trump is set to take a break from running for president to appear at Manhattan’s State Supreme Court to serve as a juror.
“Despite the time that Mr. Trump is required to fulfill this civic obligation, the campaign will continue to go on,” says Michael Cohen, a special counsel on the Trump team. “He is happy to comply with his civic obligation.”
The real estate tycoon was summoned on Monday, August 17, and plans to report for duty after a trip to Iowa.
It seems that Trump is happy to let everyone know that he’s not one to shy away from civic duty. He told the crowd at a campaign event in New Hampshire that he was actually looking forward to it, MSNBC reports.
“Yeah, I’ll be doing jury duty, can you believe it?” Trump said at the event. “I’m looking forward to it. I think it’s fun.”
But this is a far cry to how the Donald has responded to jury summonses in the past. The New York Daily News reports that Trump has repeatedly ignored calls for jury duty for almost 10 years. It got so bad that he was slapped with a $250 fine for “failure to respond to summons for petit jury service” five times since 2006 by Supreme Court Justice Tanya Kennedy on March 6.
You really have to wonder what made him change his mind this time. A presidential campaign, perhaps?
The Trump for President bandwagon was just recently slightly derailed when reports surfaced that he may have dodged the draft during the Vietnam War. According to the Washington Post , Trump received four draft deferments for before 1968 because he was in college. However, after he graduated, he was available for conscription and records show that his local draft board was aware of that fact.
On September 17, 1968, Trump reported for the army medical examination, but he failed, and was therefore not drafted into the military. Medical records related to the draft were destroyed after the U.S. Army became a volunteer service in 1973.
Recently, the Donald Trump presidential campaign has said that he wasn’t selected because he had bone spurs in his feet. Bone spurs are minute projections that can develop along the edges of bones, often when two bones meet each other. According to the Mayo Clinic , bone spurs can go unnoticed for years because they have no symptoms.
Bone spurs won’t be stopping him from reporting for jury duty this time, though. He’s got some company, too, as Trump isn’t the only politician who’s been called for jury duty recently. According to MSNBC, President George W. Bush was summoned last week, but he wasn’t selected to serve. Senator Marco Rubio was also summoned in 2014, but he wasn’t picked for a case, either.
Reporting for jury duty may give Trump an advantage in the opinion polls, not that he needs it. Out of the 17 republican presidential nominee candidates, Donald Trump is in the lead in national polls.
[Photo by Bill Pugliano / Getty Images]