Destiny players have long been divided into those who have the Gjallarhorn and those who have not. Those without the overpowered rocket launcher should hope they have access to the PlayStation or Xbox console for the weekend of Friday, August 14. Xûr, Agent of the Nine, has it on sale along with some near maxed out Exotic armor.
Xûr can be found in the very back of the bar located underneath the Future War Cult in the hangar this weekend. It’s a long jog but easy to find. Just turn left when you enter the hanger, go down the stairs to the left, and then straight back. Here’s where you can find him on the Tower map just to be sure.
Xûr and his items will only be available in Destiny through the morning of Sunday, August 16. As soon as the clock strikes 5 a.m. ET / 2 a.m. PT, he will be gone.
The Gjallarhorn has only ever been on sale with Xûr once before, just a couple of weeks after the launch of Destiny . Those who missed out that week were forced to grind through all the various ways that Exotics dropped in the game with no guarantee of success. Some poured thousands of hours and never received it, while others received it quickly.
The downside to the Gjallarhorn being on sale, however, is the upcoming weapon nerf in the 2.0 update for “The Taken King.” Still, it will be a great help over the next few weeks as players attempt to clear out some of the more difficult tasks to earn their Year One rewards such as defeating Skolas in the Prison of Elders.
The headliner in Exotic armor this week is the Achylophage Symbiote. It is undoubtedly the best Hunter Gunslinger helmet available, and it’s very near the current max stat. Meanwhile, Titans have a maxed Insurmountable Skullfort and Warlocks a near-maxed Light Beyond Nemesis.
Here is what is available for sale and upgrade from Xûr this weekend. Thanks again to DestinyDB for the Exotic information below.
Exotic Gear on Sale
Name | Type | Max Stat | Cost |
Insurmountable Skullfort | Titan Helmet | 135 Discipline | 13 Strange Coins |
Achlyophage Symbiote | Hunter Helmet | 131 Discipline | 13 Strange Coins |
Light Beyond Nemesis | Warlock Helmet | 133 Strength | 13 Strange Coins |
Gjallarhorn | Auto Rifle | 23 Strange Coins | |
Exotic Shard | Upgrade Material | 7 Strange Coins | |
Exotic Engram | Gauntlet Engram | 23 Motes of Light |
Name | Type | Cost |
Auto Rifle Telemetry | Basic Consumable x 5 | 1 Strange Coin |
Hand Cannon Telemetry | Basic Consumable x 5 | 1 Strange Coin |
Machine Gun Telemetry | Basic Consumable x 5 | 1 Strange Coin |
Plasma Drive | Legendary Vehicle Upgrade | 23 Strange Coins |
Emerald Coil | Legendary Vehicle Upgrade | 23 Strange Coins |
Heavy Ammo Synthesis | Ammo Synthesis 5-pack | 1 Strange Coin |
Mote of Light | Currency | 2 Strange Coins |
For those wondering what to get, here are a few helpful hints.
What can be said about the Gjallarhorn that Destiny players don’t already know? This is the bane of Atheon, the kneeler of Crota, the destroyer of Skolas. Yes, it is being nerfed in the coming 2.0 update, but it’s currently the most game-breaking weapon in the shooter today and will still be an extremely viable option to help get through “The Taken King” story missions. It’s a must have.
Insurmountable Skullfort
An Insurmountable Skullfort is the other helmet available for Striker Titans in Destiny . It’s not a bad option, just not as favored as the other Exotic Titan helmets or chest plates available. It is geared toward health regeneration with the Infusion perk that replenishes health when picking up Orbs. Meanwhile, the Improved Transfusion perk regenerates health when killing enemies with the Fist of Havoc. Not bad to have for the final encounter in the Crota’s End raid or for PvP, but not as useful as other Exotics like Helm of Saint-14, Inmost Most Light, or Armamentarium.
The 135 Discipline stat roll is right at the maximum, which makes this an excellent time to pick up the Insurmountable Skullfort to add to your collection.
Achylophage Symbiote
Achlyophage Symbiote is a must for Gunslinger Hunters. It gives an extra shot to the Golden Gun with the “Last Man Standing” perk, which translates to four shots instead of three. That’s always useful in both PVP and PVE. “Fastball” will increase grenade throw distance, and “Ashes to Asset” will help replenish Super Energy with each grenade kill.
The 131 Discipline stat roll is right next to the current working max. That makes the Symbiote an excellent pickup to complete a collection or to upgrade.
Light Beyond Nemesis
Lastly, the Light Beyond Nemesis helmet for the Warlock Sunsinger sub-class is a good piece to bring into “Trials of Osiris” and other Elimination PVP gametypes in Destiny . The “Keeper of the Pack” upgrade perk allows you to revive teammates faster and vice versa. That extra time not spent reviving fallen teammates can be crucial during a tight encounter. Additionally, the “Infusion” perk replenishes health when picking up Orbs of Light, making it a must have for Crota’s End Hard Mode. Finally, the “Snap Discharge” perk increases melee attack speed.
The 133 Strength stat roll makes three excellent rolls for Destiny Exotics this week. Just pick them all up.
[Image via Bungie / Activision]