Teresa Giudice will return to The Real Housewives of New Jersey for the series’ upcoming seventh season upon her release from prison. Currently, Teresa Giudice is serving a 15-month prison term at the Federal Correctional Institution in Danbury, Connecticut, but later this year, she will return to her reality roots and begin filming with her co-stars.
“[Teresa Giudice]’s definitely back next season,” a source told Us Weekly on August 13.
“[Teresa Giudice]’s all set to profit off her prison stint.”
While there had been a few reports that claimed the series could go on without Teresa Giudice, a second source assured the magazine, “There is no Jersey without [Teresa Giudice].”
Teresa Giudice has appeared on The Real Housewives of New Jersey since the series began, and also made an appearance on Celebrity Apprentice . In addition, Teresa Giudice has co-authored three cookbooks: Skinny Italian , Fabulicious, and Fabulicious!: Fast & Fit , all of which landed on the New York Times Bestsellers list.
As the Inquisitr previously reported, Teresa Giudice’s husband, Joe, is also set to return to Bravo . According to a Life & Style report, Matt Richards recently described Joe’s upcoming series as follows.
“The Bravo TV special will show the ups and downs of life without Teresa. It’ll be must-see TV.”
Weeks prior, the Real Mr. Housewife shared a report on Teresa Giudice’s new show, which announced a few tidbits about the series , and revealed how Teresa Giudice felt about her husband and children being seen in their own show.
“[Joe Giudice] has signed a deal for a show. It will be very short and only a few episodes. Think of it as a check in to see how he is handling the girls a single parent.
While [Teresa Giudice] is happy [Joe Guidice] will be making some money, she is concerned that she will not be around to filter what her husband and kids are saying and doing.”
Teresa Giudice received a 15-month prison term for charges of bank and wire fraud at the end of last year, and began serving her sentence on January 5. Once she’s released from incarceration, her husband, Joe, who is said to be currently in production on his special, will begin serving a 41-month term at a yet-to-be-named facility.
Teresa Giudice will be released from prison on December 23. No word yet on when The Real Housewives of New Jersey Season 7 will premiere on Bravo.
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