Off the coast of Sicily, marine archaeologists discovered a giant monolith submerged in a shallow channel at the bottom of the Mediterranean. A report from the Journal of Archaeological Science indicates that the monument was built and carved by humans and was most likely created by an ancient civilization, probably for religious or burial purposes.
The term “monolith” is used when something is carved from a single block of stone. According to Discovery News , the object was found at a depth of 131 feet, on what was once an island in the Sicilian Channel. The Mediterranean monolith is said to be carved out of limestone, and measures around twelve meters in length and weighs around 12 tons, but it is now in two pieces on the seabed. The incredible discovery was made ??by scientists from the University of Tel Aviv.
“There are no reasonable known natural processes that may produce these elements,” said Zvi Ben-Avraham, of Tel Aviv University.
Regarding the discovery, researchers released the following statement.
“The discovery of the submerged site in the Sicilian Channel may significantly expand our knowledge of the earliest civilizations in the Mediterranean basin and our views on technological innovation and development achieved by the Mesolithic inhabitants.
The monolith found, made of a single, large block, required a cutting, extraction, transportation and installation, which undoubtedly reveals important technical skills and great engineering. The belief that our ancestors lacked the knowledge, skill and technology to exploit marine resources or make sea crossings, must be progressively abandoned.”
The discovery of a monolith in the Mediterranean reminds us how little is known about ancient civilizations in the Mediterranean area. Researchers marveled at the technical acumen needed to build such a wide monolith, noting that it “required cutting, extraction, transportation and installation.” Emanuele Lodolo, from the National Institute of Oceanography and Experimental Geophysics in Trieste, Italy, said that the Stonehenge-style structure undoubtedly required significant technical skills and great engineering.
“This discovery reveals the technological innovation and development achieved by the Mesolithic inhabitants in the Sicilian Channel region,” Lodolo explained.”Such an effort undoubtedly reveals important technical skills and great engineering. Most likely the structure was functional to the settlement. These people were used to fishing and trading with the neighboring islands.”
[Image via YouTube]