WWE NXT stars Enzo Amore and Colin Cassady have been terrific in their time on NXT. Carmella joining them as a manager, of sorts, has been a rough process, seeing as fans didn’t trust her early on. She just has that vibe. However, fans took to Amore and Cassidy well. Both men deliver epic promos, and can really get the crowd excited the moment they come out. The trio have appeared at live events recently for the main roster, which is usually a sign of something big.
Enzo Amore is said to be a certified “G” and a bonafide stud, which I have heard from a reliable source, cannot be taught. Colin Cassady also known as “Big Cass,” and is seven foot tall, which certainly cannot be taught either. They are also very concerned with how everyone is doing, which seems like a nice thing.
The two have gotten over on NXT, so it makes sense to think they’ll do well. According to Daily Wrestling News , the trio are set to hit the main roster fairly soon. However, there is already some concern that they will be lost in the shuffle once they hit the tag team scene. Most do not believe this who know the group, who have been going by the team name of “Sawft” at WWE Live Events.
I do wonder how that will work out, seeing as the term “sawft” is used as a derogatory comment regarding their opponents — not themselves. So, it will be interesting to see if they debut with this name or just go by their names, like they have been on NXT for some time now.
Amore and Cassady are over with the NXT audience, and have done well at recent live events. One would imagine that this will translate over to their main roster careers. However, you never truly know. There have been some, like Bo Dallas, who got over well enough with the NXT audience. What should be pointed out with Dallas is that he was ironically loved, not so much purely.
Fans all kinds love Enzo and Big Cass, so they probably won’t get lost in the shuffle if they stick to what they do best. As for an exact date that they will appear on the main roster, it is currently unknown. They could appear as soon as tonight on WWE RAW, or even on WWE SmackDown ‘s taping tomorrow. It might be after WWE SummerSlam . However, it is said to happen within the next month or so.
[IMG Credit: Vavel.com]