Big Brother 17 spoilers from Friday (July 31) were packed with drama. The BB17 house was shaken up at the nomination ceremony, leading to one showmance nearly imploding and the “Sixth Sense” alliance nearly unraveling. As previously reported by the Inquisitr , Head of Household James Huling decided to nominate Shelli Poole and Clay Honeycutt for eviction. It created a path for a lot of drama to play out, and according to a report from fan site Big Brother Network , that is exactly what has taken place in the BB17 house.
Shelli and Clay were very upset about the nominations because they were sure James was going to protect them. When their pictures were revealed at the Week 6 nominations, it became clear that this showmance was in danger of ending very soon. The couple thinks that the way to save themselves is to get the house to “backdoor” Austin Matelson at the Veto ceremony. For that to even take place, Shelli and Clay will have to figure out a way to either win or manipulate the results of the Veto competition.
One very noteworthy nugget from these latest Big Brother 17 spoilers is that Clay started to turn on Vanessa Rousso a bit. He blamed her for Jason Roy getting nominated and evicted from the house, saying it was entirely her idea. It almost seemed like he was laying down a gauntlet, and Vanessa did not take it well. She has already starting working on a plan with Austin and the twins to deny anything that Shelli and Clay claim about what took place in Week 5. As viewers already know, there are a lot of secrets the other side of the house still doesn’t know about.
Eventually, Shelli and Clay approached James, expressing how upset they were that he didn’t protect them at the nomination ceremony. It was there that Clay really started lying heavily. He claimed to have no deals with anyone to take them to the end of the BB17 season. He even went as far as saying that he had not promised to take Shelli to the end either. As live feed viewers already know, he has several “final four” deals in place and, of course, a final two deal with Shelli.
To his credit, James Huling wasn’t buying anything that Shelli Poole or Clay Honeycutt were selling on Friday. So what is Shelli the most upset about? She cannot believe that James would send one of them home before the jury starts up. It means that if either Shelli or Clay go home in Week 6, the showmance inside the BB17 house comes to an end. The fireworks are really just getting started this week, and how the Veto competition turns out on Saturday (August 1) could lead to even more anger. Fans should expect some very exciting Big Brother 17 spoilers to come out of that.
[Image Source: CBS Big Brother Press Kit]