A cell phone camera was on record when a huge brawl broke out inside a Denny’s restaurant located in Hampton, Virginia.
Several participants in the Denny’s donnybrook appeared to be slammed to the floor at the franchise eatery know for its signature Grand Slam breakfast. Fists were also flying in the melee, which continued out into the parking lot.
A video of the incident was originally uploaded to Facebook before it migrated to other social media platforms. See embedded footage below.
The incident at the 24-hour venue occurred in the early hours of Thursday morning. Local cops have so far made two arrests, but the investigation is ongoing, and more charges may be forthcoming.
WAVY of Portsmouth, a TV station that covers the Hampton Roads area, reports that the Denny’s fight had its origins in a complaint about slow service, according to a witness. “One of the guys had an issue with how packed it was getting and the fact that he hadn’t been served, so he made a big commotion. The commotion was toward the waitress, calling her out, her name, calling her, just being rude and disrespectful.”
The unhappy customer allegedly wound up a physical altercation with a male Denny’s employee.
“It started off with some people in a booth being verbally abusive and acting disorderly. It kind of erupted from there,” added a Hampton Police Department official of the 2:30 a.m incident.
“The violence then spreads to several others at different sides of the restaurant while a restaurant employee tries to shepherd the group out of the establishment,” the Virginia Pilot reported .
A cop responding to the scene allegedly got hit in the face while he was trying to break up the fight which by then had moved to the restaurant parking lot, but he apparently wasn’t hurt. Police arrested one suspect for allegedly assaulting the officer while another suspect was taken into custody for public intoxication. Cops are eyeballing the footage, however, in an effort to identify additional suspects in the Denny’s brawl.
A female Denny’s employee suffered minor injuries in the violent encounter.
In a 2013 survey, Reddit users suggested that instead of “America’s diner is always open,” Denny’s real slogan should be “Because it’s 2.am., you’re drunk, and you need pancakes,” Business Insider revealed .
While fast-food or fast-casual restaurants have devolved into America’s war zones in some instances, the problem isn’t just restricted to sit-down dining. Two Florida men recently brawled in the deli aisle of a Orlando-area Publix supermarket.
Watch a local news report about the Denny’s brawl in Hampton, Virginia.
[image credit: Billy Hathorn ]