Week 5 of Big Brother 17 is underway, and there are new houseguests up on the block for eviction. This past week, the house was quite united on the next target for eviction, but will the same be said for Week 5? What Big Brother spoilers are available for these new nominations?
As viewers saw Thursday night, Audrey was evicted, and now Jackie Ibarra and Vanessa Rousso have won the Head of Household spots. Of course, one of them will lose that gig once the Battle of the Block competition happens. Big Brother spoilers via the live feeds indicate that an expanded alliance is working together so far on the plan for the Week 5 eviction, and they all seem to be on the same page.
Big Brother Network shares the latest from the BB17 live feeds. Big Brother spoilers indicate that Jackie has nominated Liz and James, while Vanessa has nominated Becky and Clay. Although some fans had been buzzing over the anticipation of seeing a shake-up with Jackie and Vanessa on opposing teams, they came together overnight and formulated a plan together.
Big Brother 17 spoilers indicate that Jackie and Vanessa have agreed not to nominate one another. As Big Brother Network teases, Jackie first talked about wanting to target Austin, with Liz and Steve as initial nominees. Vanessa did some smooth-talking, however, shifting the plan a bit as things went on apparently.
Vanessa talked with Austin and Julia, with Vanessa filling Julia in on just how far the scoop on her identity and the twin twist has spread. As Vanessa continued to talk to others, she roped Clay and Becky into agreeing to go on the block and promise they’d win BOTB so Vanessa could get out of the HOH spot.
As Buddy TV reveals, James agreed to go up on the block with Liz/Julia, and Big Brother spoilers indicate that he’s agreed to throw the competition. While that means they’ll stay on the block, the goal is to then have someone on this new massive alliance win Power of Veto to pull James off the block. Austin will then get nominated in this backdoor plan.
It seems that if Austin manages to play in the POV competition and win, Steve will be the target to go up instead. Big Brother spoilers indicate that the new alliance formed overnight includes Vanessa, Shelli, Clay, James, Jason, Meg, Becky, and Jackie. The alliance name they’ve come up with is “Dark Moon,” and if they stick together, it shouldn’t be too tough to weed out the non-alliance members.
Will things go according to plan for Week 5, or will Austin manage to escape this eviction plan? As was revealed earlier via live feed Big Brother spoilers, Austin shot himself in the foot by gabbing to Jason about Liz and Julia, so he had a target on his back before Audrey was even out the door.
Stay tuned for more BB17 spoilers as the weekend continues and the Battle of the Block and Power of Veto competitions are held. Will Austin Matelson be the Week 5 evictee on Big Brother 17 ?
[Images via Big Brother Wikia / Game Shows ]