On Big Brother 17 Thursday, it was Jeff Weldon who went home. His eviction was pushed heavily by Austin Matelson, who has affection for fellow housemate Liz Nolan. Liz had also been the subject of Jeff’s flirtation. While Austin was close enough to last week’s Head of Household, Vanessa Rousso, to push for Jeff’s demise, he also took what some viewers perceived as game missteps.
In his review of Thursday’s episode, Darren Franich of Entertainment Weekly asked outright whether Austin is an effective Big Brother player.
“Is Austin good at ‘Big Brother?’ This is one of the chief questions as we close out the contestants’ first month in the house.”
Franich noted that Austin is good at competitions and can effectively execute some strategy. But he is a bad liar and keeps pushing his “Judas” persona — an evil alter-ego left over from his wrestling days — in the diary room.
“And now he appears capable of sacrificing his game in favor of a not-quite-romance with Blamanda Seyfried.”
It’s worth noting that Liz/Julia — as Austin knows, the two sisters are twins swapping places — voted for James to be evicted and not Jeff as Austin so strongly wanted.
Vanessa wrote in her HOH blog that when she learned Austin threw the veto competition in order to let John save himself, opening the door for Jeff as the renom, she began to doubt their alliance.
Julie Chen, longtime host of Big Brother , told Entertainment Weekly that she questions whether Austin’s emotional play is best for his game. She argues it might work out for him in real life, however.
“I am not sure if Austin is playing a good game. I am leaning towards no because he voted and played with his heart over his head. If he didn’t like Liz, he probably would have seen that James is the bigger threat in the game. Instead, he almost lost loyalty from Vanessa by advancing his own personal agenda. All this being said, if he doesn’t win the game but wins the girl in the end, he made the right choice. We have had people get married after meeting in the house!”
Big Brother showmances that got serious outside the house include Daniele Donato and Dominic Briones as well as Rachel Reilly and Brendon Villegas.
Austin came into the house saying he had a girlfriend and was not looking for a showmance. Even if he does have feelings for Liz, that does not necessarily mean the feelings are mutual, as Franich’s recap stated.
“[T]his episode revealed that Liz could be a serious player in this game. She flirted with Jeff as a power move, and even wanted to keep him around. She thinks Austin is trying to manipulate her; she might have a sense that she can actually manipulate Austin.”
If Liz survives the next two evictions, both twins will enter the game. She’s one step closer after having been named one of the two HOHs on Thursday night.
Big Brother 17 airs Sundays, Wednesdays and Thursdays on CBS.
[Photo: Austin Matelson and Liz Nolan courtesy of CBS ]