Craigslist can be a risky place to sell, buy, or give away anything. A couple found out the inherent risks when meeting a stranger after placing an ad to re-home their dog. Corine and Free Williams posted a Craigslist ad in the hope of finding a great new home for their Chihuahua, Paco. The Bellevue, Nebraska, couple were in for a horrible, frightening surprise when the woman they met pulled a gun on them and stole their beloved canine. They met Patricia Winger at Bucky’s in Bellevue. After Winger rode off with the canine, the couple called the police, as they were able to write down the license plate to her car, according to the Examiner.
Free Williams said that Winger “pulled it [the gun] out first, and then she pointed it, and then after a minute she set it on the dash board.” The police went to Winger’s home in Papillion and found the gun believed to be used in the holdup and — most importantly — petite Paco, unharmed, according to Channel 6 WOWT News Omaha. Winger was arrested and taken into police custody. She remains in Sarpy County jail and is currently facing robbery charges.
Investigator Laurie Synowiecki of the Bellevue Police Department stated the following regarding Craigslist advertisements.
“As you know it can be very dangerous, you don’t know who you are dealing with and it’s very wise to be cautious.” The police department came up with an innovative idea to make such exchanges safer. Now it has dedicated two marked parking spaces at the police station for Craigslist dealings or any other legal exchange. The police indicated that these spots are monitored by surveillance cameras.
What do you think about using Craigslist to rehome a pet? Do you believe that it is a safe way to do so? Please leave your comments below.
Happily, Paco was found unharmed. Unfortunately, some other dogs that have been stolen have either been found deceased or with injuries.
The Byerly family of North Carolina was very happy when their canine family member, a pit bull named Duke, made his way home, according to an article in the Inquisitr. The dog was stolen from their front yard after a strange vehicle stopped and took him. The passenger door of a four-door white car opened and someone reached out and took Duke and sped off.
The family reported him missing and offered a reward. They had Duke for about four years and he is a beloved family member. He was a formerly abused rescue dog who was originally found in terrible shape before the Byerly family adopted him. Duke either escaped or was dumped by whoever stole him. He was found to have wounds indicative of dog fighting and perhaps was used as a bait dog. But at least he recovered with the family he loves and who love him.
[Photo By David McNew/Getty Images]