Earlier in the year, actress Lena Headey announced that she was pregnant, but she did not say what the sex of the child was. At that time, she asked people to give her a little bit of space because she just wanted to take some time for herself. In May, Headey, 41, decided that she wanted to reveal the baby’s sex, and told her fans that she was expecting a daughter. At that time she said that she was going to be having a baby girl in a few weeks, and she also thanked her fans for all of the messages of support that they were sending her.
When Headey announced she was pregnant with a girl, she penned a piece at Planusa.org . In that post, Headey said that her daughter would be respected, loved, celebrated, and protected. The actress also said that her child would have complete freedom of choice, and this includes being free to do things such as sing, dance, and marry whomever she wants to marry. Headey stated, “She’ll be able to wear what she wants, put on lipstick, and read books that spark debate and expand her mind.”
Well, now Headey has officially given birth to a baby girl, which makes her the mother of two children. Headey broke the news by going on Twitter and sending out a tweet to her followers, confirming the birth of her child , according to E! Online . Headey told her followers that everything was good, and that she ended up falling in unconditional love for the second time. According to People , Headey’s son , Wylie, is 5 years old. Wylie’s dad is Headey’s ex-husband, Peter Loughran, whom she split from back in 2012.
According to Daily Mail , Headey and Loughran called it quits after five years of marriage. Eventually Headey and her ex negotiated a divorce, but that was after arguing over money.
As of now, Headey has not said who the father is, nor has she said what her newborn’s name is. However, some speculate that the father of the girl may be Pedro Pascal, 39. Pascal was Headey’s co-star, and she has been seen out with Pascal while she was pregnant. Headey and Pascal never confirmed they were romantically involved, nor are there any suggestions that he is the father of the child.
Lena Headey is best known for starring as Cersei Lannister in the hit show Games Of Thrones . Headey has been a star on it since 2011. Pascal appeared in a number of episodes throughout season 4 of the show, and played Oberyn Matrell. The character was killed off at the end of the season.
[Image via Danny Harrison/Flickr ]