A young black woman from the Detroit area responded forcefully to the George Takei-Clarence Thomas controversy in a video that has collected about 100,000 hits on YouTube as of this writing.
“George Takei, you are a racist. It doesn’t matter what you say; it doesn’t matter how you try to cut it. You’re a racist. You made a racist statement. I’m not giving you slack for it,” the Michigan woman who operates the “young, black, and conservative” Facebook page declared in the footage.
The Star Trek actor and longtime LGBT activist made headlines this past week in expressing outrage over Justice Clarence Thomas’ dissent in the gay marriage decision, calling him a “clown in blackface.”
As the Inquisitr previously noted , Takei misinterpreted what Thomas was driving at in a passage that made the actor angry.
The jurist who was appointed to the High Court by President George H.W. Bush was merely asserting that government can’t deprive people of their human dignity, regardless of laws. “And those denied governmental benefits certainly do not lose their dignity because the government denies them those benefits. The government cannot bestow dignity, and it cannot take it away,” Thomas wrote.
After an uproar, Takei apologized for his “uncivil choice of words” on his personal Facebook page on July 3.
Takei’s initial racially charged take about Thomas prompted the video from the Detroit-area woman whose name does not appear on her Facebook page.
“After explaining how she got to meet ‘a lot of leftist racists’ who agreed with Takei and even said Thomas wasn’t entitled to views that strayed from liberalism, she really threw down,” The Blaze observed .
“The left are bunch of racists…it takes a certain kind of racist to decide that black people can’t have their own opinion…I’m allowed to have conservative opinions. I’m allowed to believe that gay marriage is wrong. I’m allowed to believe that abortion is not okay. And these are my personal opinions because I am an educated person that has my own brain… these liberals need to check their privilege, particularly their privilege about what [African-Americans] are allowed to think. African-Americans are individuals; African Americans have their own brain, whether they decide to be liberal or whether they decide to be conservative. We should not be slandered or given racial slurs because we decide what we want to believe…”
The woman also chided liberals for thinking they own the African-American vote in perpetuity and opined that Democrats ran nearby Detroit into the ground.
Parenthetically, when it comes to matters relating to ethnicity or diversity, the late Bob Grant , the talk radio pioneer, would often say that liberals are the ultimate hypocrites, a contention with which she might agree.
Watch the video embedded below (NSFW for one instance of offensive language albeit in a historical context) and draw your own conclusions.
[image via Facebook ]
Added: Identifying herself as Patty Politics, she has released a follow up Q&A to the viral George Takei video.