Games with Gold celebrates its second anniversary this July, and Microsoft is celebrating by giving the free games program an upgrade. Xbox One owners will receive at least two new free games every month going forward, and it appears that we may start seeing more big retail titles.
“This July represents two full years since we began giving Gold members access to amazing games, completely free. As a special thank you to our Xbox fans, we’re announcing that starting in July, Games with Gold will offer two new games on Xbox One every month,” an update on the Xbox Wire announced.
Games with Gold for July marks 2 years since it started. Celebrate with an extra Xbox One game
— Larry Hryb (@majornelson) June 25, 2015
Ubisoft’s Assassin’s Creed IV: Black Flag is the first game to be offered under the new program, and only the second AAA retail release for Xbox One to hit Games with Gold. The other was Rayman Legends , as part of the March, 2015, offerings.
Black Flag will be available to download for free for Xbox One owners with an Xbox LIVE Gold subscription from July 1 through July 15, 2015. It will be followed by the indie-developed So Many Me , which will be available free from July 16 through 31. Note: The dates on the image above appear to be in error. Confirmation is awaited.
So Many Me is a puzzle platformer, similar to the classic Lemmings titles. It features a “band of misfit clones” trying to save the world. It has been available on Steam since July, 2014, where it has received positive reviews from those that have played it.
The lack of retail releases as part of the Xbox One Games with Gold lineup has been a top complaint of console owners since the console launched. It was understandable in the first year of the console, due to the need to build up a library of games before beginning to offer them for free. We’ll have to wait and see if this is a trend that continues for another month. However, the Xbox community has given the move to two free games a month the thumbs up so far.
Meanwhile, Xbox 360 owners will continue to receive their two free games a month through Games with Gold. July’s offerings include the action-filled Gears of War 3 and the humorous tower defense title, Plants vs. Zombies .
As mentioned before, an Xbox LIVE Gold subscription is required to download games for free with Games with Gold. A 12-month subscription retails for $59.99, but you can regularly find it discounted to anywhere between $35 and $50 through online and physical retail outlets.
What do you think of the free games for Games with Gold in July? Sound off in the comments below.
[Images via Xbox, Assassin’s Creed , Gears of War ]