Taylor Swift and Madonna are admirers of each other, despite the media’s love of pitting them against each other. They are both the “Queen of Pop” for their particular generation. Now, they share something else in common: Both artists have their latest videos named as one of the best videos of the year (so far) by Billboard .
Taylor Swift’s “Bad Blood” video has been loved by everybody, so it’s no surprise she made the list. Billboard indicated why Swift’s video is one of the best .
“Let’s admit it: Taylor Swift’s video for ‘Style’ was a little too steely for such a free-wheeling song. Fortunately, Swift followed that visual up with one of the best of her career. The star-filled, action-packed clip for ‘Bad Blood’ literally kicks a**, as Swift and her super-pals battle nameless baddies as Kendrick Lamar slides in for the remix.”
The fact that Madonna made the list with “ B***h I’m Madonna ” is a little surprising, especially given that the song and video has been so polarizing. Author Jason Lipshutz says why Madonna’s video made the list.
“Forget the all-star cameos by Katy Perry, Kanye West, Beyonce and Miley Cyrus — no jammed-in cameos can steal the spotlight from Madonna’s unhinged party scene, which includes booty-shaking, shot-taking, a bathtub make-out, and Madge crowd-surfing like a wild teenager.”
Lipshutz goes on to note that “B***h I’m Madonna” successfully reiterates that that’s what she is at heart. Speaking of the Queen of Pop, her longtime publicist Liz Rosenberg is set to retire. The Hollywood Reporter notes that besides being Madonna’s publicist since 1983, Rosenberg has represented Cher, Stevie Nicks, and Michael Bublé, as well.
Because of many of Madonna’s recent PR gaffes , many thought that Liz already retired from representing Madonna. After all, Liz Rosenberg successfully led Madonna through the backlash after nude pictures of her were published in 1985. Madonna’s classic response of “I’m not ashamed” (rumored to be suggested by Rosenberg) defined her as a feminist and unapologetic powerhouse. Madonna took something that could have ruined her career and used it to her advantage.
The backlash Madonna experienced after releasing her book, Sex, and her album, Erotica, in 1992 was, perhaps, one of the biggest backlashes in entertainment history. She was massively criticized and headlines all over the world said that her career was over with. The backlash Madonna experienced could have killed the career of anybody else, but Liz Rosenberg guided Madonna through the bad times, although it took more than 5 years for Madonna to fully recover.
Stars like Taylor Swift and Beyoncé may be riding high today, but the public, especially with social media, loves to destroy the stars they built up. This nearly destroyed Britney Spears in 2007. Let’s hope that when the inevitable Taylor Swift backlash happens, she has a publicist like Liz Rosenberg to guide her.
[Photo Credit : X17online ]