More than 100 illegal immigrants released from detention by the federal government while they were awaiting deportation allegedly went on to commit murder in the U.S., according to the Obama administration’s own data.
What exacerbates the catch-and-release problem is that some countries — like Cuba, with which the U.S. recently normalized relations — won’t take back these individuals. Also, a 2001 U.S. Supreme Court ruling generally puts a six-month deadline on how long Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) authorities can detain illegal aliens who can’t be repatriated.
Making matters worse, ICE doesn’t notify local cops when they release someone “and don’t have a way of finding out from those authorities whether someone has gotten in trouble with the law again,” the Washington Times reported .
U.S. Senator Charles Grassley, the chairman of the Judiciary Committee, has urged the Department of Justice, State Department, and Homeland Security Department to work together more effectively to address this ongoing danger to public safety.
In a letter to Grassley and other senators that was prompted by the murder of a Arizona convenience store clerk allegedly by an illegal alien with an apparent criminal history and who was released pending deportation, the ICE director confirmed the 121 murders.
“Between FY 2010 and FY 2014, there were 121 unique criminal aliens who had an active case at the time of release and were subsequently charged with homicide-related offenses. Of these 121 individuals who were bonded out, 33 were released on a bond set by DOJ EOIR and 24 were released pursuant to the Supreme Court decision in Zadvydas v. Davis .”
Added the Times , “Every year, thousands of immigrants are put back on the streets because of Zadvydas .”
Based on current ICE procedures, the Daily Signal claimed that “convicted criminals may be released, even if the convicted individuals face deportation charges. In fact, the agency states some individuals who face deportation charges are not required to be detained by law.”
Late last year, the Center for Immigration Studies think tank, in a study of ICE statistics , concluded that about 167,000 illegal immigrants with criminal records are allegedly on the loose in the U.S. after being released by authorities.
The Washington Times has previously reported that overall deportations have dropped 25 percent this year so far and have decreased 41 percent over the past three years. The number of illegal alien felons removed from the country has also decreased by 30 percent in 2015 under what the Obama administration has referred to as prosecutorial discretion.
A report published by the Boston Globe yesterday indicated that hundreds of immigrant violent sex offenders subject to deportation have been released into American communities because their home countries don’t want them.
“They are convicted rapists, child molesters, and kidnappers — among ‘the worst of the worst,’ as one law enforcement agency put it. Yet the Globe found that immigration officials have released them without making sure they register with local authorities as sex offenders. And once US Immigration and Customs Enforcement frees them, agency officials often lose track of the criminals, despite outstanding deportation orders against them.”
Separately, as The Inquisitr previously chronicled, U.S. immigration officials have conceded that the suspect in the murder of America’s Next Top Model contestant Mirjana Puhar should have been deported , rather than granted amnesty, because of his known gang connections.
Further on illegal immigration, the suspect in the Washington, D.C., mansion murders, allegedly a green-card holder from Guyana, should have been previously deported because of his long rap sheet, the Center for Immigration Studies has claimed .
[Photo by Scott Olson/Getty Images News]
Added: Out of 17,000 criminal immigrants set free in 2014, Homeland Security officials also reportedly released about 3,700 top deportation priority “Threat Level 1” illegal alien criminals while their cases were pending in immigration courts.