Joe Biden Joins Twitter to Assist in Obama Campaign

Published on: April 9, 2012 at 11:51 AM

The Obama White House has been pretty ahead of the curve when it comes to social media- the campaign recently joined the increasingly popular Pinterest- and now Vice President Joe Biden has “rebooted” his Twitter account to extend the administration’s reach on the microblogging service.

Biden’s newly-minted Twitter feed (@JoeBiden) got a big boost in visibility, with Barack Obama’s account inviting its 14 million-plus fans to follow the vice president on the service. As of now, Biden has yet to crack the 50,000 follower mark, but his first tweet only came a few hours ago.

So far, Biden’s messages on Twitter have addressed his aim in joining up, and beginning this morning, the Vice President’s account tweeted:

“We’re excited to announce that @ JoeBiden is being rebooted for the 2012 campaign season to give you news of the Vice President on the trail… Campaign staff will run this account to keep you up to date on what the VP’s up to, but you’ll see occasional tweets from Joe himself, too.”

A few hours ago, Joe Biden’s Twitter was updated to add some updates on what the veep is up to:

“News for you this morning: VP Biden will speak in Exeter, NH on 4/12 on tax fairness and the President’s support for the # BuffettRule … In NH on 4/12, the Vice President will give his take on why millionaires shouldn’t pay a lower tax rate than middle class families do.”

But, ABC News points out , Biden has already attracted at least one hater on Twitter. Deputy communications director at the Republican National Committee, Tim Miller (@timodc) retweeted the president’s welcome message to Biden, adding “Watch your feed @NeilKinnock.” The quip refers to an incident in the 80’s during which Biden was accused of lifting portions of the British politician’s speech for his own use.

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