Democratic presidential candidate Bernie Sanders announced Thursday that his presidential campaign has raised $6 million dollars in just six weeks since entering the race on April 30, 2015. What is most astounding about the $6 million dollars raised for Bernie Sander’s campaign is that those donations all came from nearly 150,000 individuals and the average donation amount was about $40 , according to Policy Mic . In an interview on PBS’ Charlie Rose, Sanders says that, by then end of the month, he expects the donations to reach $10 million.
“The question is, given the Citizens United Supreme Court decision, can any candidate representing the working class, the middle class, who is prepared to take on billionaires — can you win elections?” Sanders explained on Charlie Rose . “Can you win elections or is this country’s political system so corrupt that it is only people who hold the big money? That is the profound question.”
Bernie Sanders and his campaigners say that they can win the democratic nomination and the White House. Though many media outlets name Hillary as a shoo-in for the Democratic spot on the 2016 ballot, Sanders and his supporters say his popularity is growing exponentially the more people learn about his platform and his past political career.
Hillary Clinton to #FeelTheBern – that’s Bernie Sanders – in Iowa
— Post Politics (@postpolitics) June 12, 2015
Bernie Sanders insists his momentum is no fluke: — POLITICO (@politico) June 11, 2015
According to Bloomberg, Bernie Sanders seeks to raise upwards of $50 million this primary season. Not only is Bernie Sanders managing to snag some of the GOP voters with his, as Jon Stewart says , “rational, slightly left-of-center, mainstream” politics, Sanders is also doing a fine job winning over the young voters in America. While Hillary Clinton’s past actions have lost some support of our armed forces members, Bernie Sanders, chairman of the Senate Committee on Veterans’ Affairs, has already introduced “the most comprehensive legislation for veterans to come before the Senate in decades,” garnering much attention from the nation’s service members.
A marine just stood up and said he drove six hours to attend this @SenSanders event. By far the most enthusiasm here for any 2016 Dem.
— Annie Linskey (@AnnieLinskey) June 13, 2015
“Why Bernie Sanders excites students and young voters”
— The Hill (@thehill) June 13, 2015
Bernie Sanders’ campaign not only encourages individual supporters over corporate contributions, when people try to donate to the fund, it specifies that it will only accept donations from personal accounts, not business accounts.
[Photo via Facebook ]