Beyoncé was a special guest on Good Morning America after big promos promised that she’d have a major announcement. So fans waited with baited breath, guessing what she would say. Would she announce a new sibling for Blue Ivy? A new CD or tour? No, she announced the vegan diet plan that she followed. She said that she followed the plant-based diet outlined by exercise physiologist Marco Borges in his new book The 22-Day Revolution . His plan is based on the theory that it takes 21 days to change a habit. His diet is a plant-based vegan diet where participants avoid gluten, alcohol, and soy for 22 days, according to Good Morning America .
The gorgeous singer announced that she has struggled with her weight since she was young and stated the following according to Good Morning America .
“I am not naturally the thinnest woman. And I have struggled since a young age with diets. And finding something that actually works for me and actually keep — keeps the weight off has been difficult for me… I felt like my skin was really firm, a lot tight than when I deprived myself of food. [And, I] got the weight off fast, and the weight stayed off.”
It was also stated that she has Borge-developed meals prepared and delivered to her, a luxury many cannot afford. There was an almost instantaneous backlash on social media, including spamming her Instagram account. Many were angry that GMA’s promo teased was a hyped infomercial of sorts. GMA’s promo stated that “Beyoncé has something amazing that she wants you to know. So what is it?” Fans were disappointed.
Fans spammed her Instagram account with emojis of French fries, burgers, drumsticks, donuts, and more — countering her healthy-food diatribe, according to E! Online . Fans were let down at her just again hyping her healthy-living plan, and that it’s something some felt was just for the rich and famous.
On her Twitter account, one wrote, tongue-in-cheek, “Beyoncé giving diet advice? What’s next? Justin Bieber writing a book on parenting?”
“So Beyonce woke y’all up just to tell yall she lost weight?” another wrote.
“Still mad that I woke up early and subjected myself to @GMA just to hear Beyonce say she doesn’t enjoy life anymore,” one user posted.
Another stated, “Beyonce gonna show ppl how to sustain a diet normal ppl can’t even afford.”
Of course, this will blow over. But was this a bait-and-switch? Do you think that GMA’s promo was over the top? Were you disappointed at what Beyoncé went on the program to promote? Please leave your comments below.
The latest posts to Beyonce’s official website and Instagram account were to share vacation pics of the singer with husband Jay Z and daughter Blue Ivy on their recent visit to Italy, according to an article in the Inquisitr . People didn’t blink at that — she is a rich superstar sharing a life most can only imagine. Were people angry at her GMA appearance because of the hyped promos?
[Photo By Mark Wilson/Getty Images]