Robert Redford, who played journalist Bob Woodward in the 1976 film “All The President’s Men,” is set to produce a new documentary about the Watergate scandal for the Discovery Channel called “All The President’s Men Revisited.”
Redford will be producing the new documentary and will also act at the film’s narrator. The documentary is scheduled for release in 2013.
Redford told the NY Times :
“It’s the right time to take a look at this moment in history to inform the present.”
“All The President’s Men Revisisted” will be a two hour television documentary about the scandal that ended Richard Nixon’s presidency. The documentary will look at how the Watergate scandal has influenced modern politics.
Eileen O’Neill, the president of Discovery, said:
“To be able to pull the fabricated and the real together, for the first time, is kind of a juicy opportunity for us.”
Redford and the Discovery Channel will be working with journalist Bob Woodward, who played a key role in uncovering the scandal, and others involved with Watergate to create the new documentary. Woodward said that there is a “war against history” in relation to the Watergate scandal and says that the documentary will address some of the questions that remain unanswered.
“What’s the legacy of Watergate? What do we understand? What are some of the lessons? It’s been a long time…. The voluminous record shows that there are answers to some of those questions.”
“All The President’s Men Revisisted” will air on the Discovery channel sometime next year.