Bindi Irwin’s “stunning” selfie photo that she posted on Instagram has some criticizing Steve Irwin’s daughter for being a hypocrite, since it was not too long ago that she was chastising other girls her age for wearing makeup or revealing clothing. Others defend the crocodile hunter girl, saying “she needs to experiment with how she presents and not be judged for it.”
In a related report by the Inquisitr , Bindi Irwin’s stunning admission revealed what type of animal really scared her, and it was not the usual creatures like a crocodile or even a stingray.
At age 16, Bindi Irwin has apparently changed a lot mentally, not just physically. Photos from a year ago show a young girl, while the recent photo looks like a young woman. The Bindi’s Instagram photo also included a comment on her recent look.
“To be beautiful means to be yourself. You don’t need to be accepted by others. You need to accept yourself,” Bindi wrote about her selfie, which features her wearing eye makeup and lipstick. She then added a favorite quote of hers: “‘What you do, the way you think, makes you beautiful.’ – S. Westerfeld.”
But some are looking to the past, especially Bindi Irwin’s stunning criticism of girls who choose to wear makeup while still young.
“I look at adults and they say ‘when I was young I was wearing blue eye shadow’ and I’m cringing. So to be able to have that outlook on life is such a blessing and I’ve gotten that from my mum especially … The way I choose to dress, I want to influence other people around me I suppose.”
While age 15, Bindi believed her peers should be ashamed of wearing skimpy clothing, and she claimed many young girls would look back at their older photos and “cringe.”
“I’m a big advocate for young girls dressing their age … I mean, for me, I look around at a lot of young girls that are my age and they’re always trying to dress older. Whether it’s wearing revealing clothes or hardly wearing any clothes at all, I feel really bad for them,” Bindi said. “It kind of has the opposite effect in some ways … it kind of does the opposite where it makes you look younger and like you’re trying too hard.”
Writers at the Herald Sun believe this rapidly evolving stance on makeup ” doesn’t detract one bit from her credibility.”
“It’s easy to forget Bindi Irwin is still just a kid, and as such is still forming her identity despite what we think we know of her from watching her develop since toddlerhood. Her audience doesn’t own Bindi and nor do we have any right to judge her for trying new avenues of self-expression, in this case a little bit of eyeliner and lipstick.”
What do you think about Bindi Irwin’s “stunning” photo?
[Image via Instagram ]