Heather Thomson has been on The Real Housewives of New York for a couple of years now, but she may not have realized that viewers of the show are strong in supporting those housewives who have been on the show longer. When Bethenny Frankel returned to the show, Heather may not have thought that fans would side with her so easily.
However, when the ladies headed to the Berkshires for a weekend away, Heather Thomson was shocked when Frankel showed up to Dorinda Medley’s home. The facial expression said it all. It is no secret that Heather hasn’t been getting along with Bethenny, because she doesn’t like how she is abrasive and rude. But during dinner, Thomson flipped out, which left Frankel in tears.
According to a new tweet, Heather Thomson is now being called out by Bethenny, who believes that Thomson is blaming editing. It is no secret that some viewers sided with Frankel in this matter, as Heather was quite aggressive in her stance.
“Hold up white girl. R we blaming editing at this point? In 9 seasons of reality tv i’ve done i’ve never done that #itaintthehills,” Bethenny revealed (without tagging Heather Thomson in the tweet), but many of her followers picked up on the connection.
“Of course they blame editing. That’s the general cop out of those who can’t stand behind their words and actions,” one person wrote, while another responded, “lol it is editing, her own internal behaviour editing! She needs 2 own all her bullshit be accountable #BeReal & stop sayin Holla,” and a third adding, “Don’t listen to her. It’s her only way to justify her actions at this point..”
Bethenny didn’t tag Heather in the tweet, so technically she could have been referring to anyone. But based on how things went down on this week’s episode of The Real Housewives of New York , it sounds like many viewers feel she is referring to Thomson. And Heather was quick to justify her stance in her blog.
“I am not a judgmental person and certainly not unsympathetic to people’s challenges, misfortunes, mishaps, or s****y deals. That is for damn sure. Life has tough breaks, and unfortunately some of us have it worse than others, and some better, but circumstances can change in the blink of an eye …” Heather Thomson revealed in her blog, explaining her side of the situation, according to the Inquisitr .
What did you think of Bethenny’s tweet? Do you think she was referring to Heather Thomson?
[Image via Instagram ]