Shelley Lynn, a former prostitute and employee of the Las Vegas Chicken Ranch brothel,is claiming in a lawsuit filed in federal court that if she hasn’t worked at McDonalds she may have never become a sex worker, the Consumerist reports.
Lynn is suing McDonald’s along with her ex-husband and his company Ivernia, which owned the McDonald’s she worked in.
Her ex-husband “emotionally and psychologically” coerced Lynn into the sex trade because the pay at McDonalds was bad, there were no benefits and she could only get lousy healthcare. She claims that because of all of those circumstances her ex-husband, who was her boss when the couple started dating, was able fire her and convince her she needed to become a prostitute.
The complaint states,
“[McDonald’s] failed to properly supervise and train Handley (Lynn’s ex husband), as a direct result of which Handley used his position as an employer and conspired with his corporation Ivernia to coerce and bribe two of Ivernia’s employees to make false statements against Lynn during Handley’s dissolution and to suppress relevant evidence he had disclosed about himself. Handley also engaged in pimping operations out of the McDonald’s franchises he owned.”
Lynn is suing McDonald’s for lost wages as well as a number of damages, according to the Consumerist.
As a result of the economic downturn many women have turned to the sex industry in order to make ends meet. MSNBC reported that employers across the adult entertainment industry have seen an influx of applicants from young women who say they turned to stripping or dancing because they couldn’t find a job in the field for which they were educated. Some of these women earn up to $3,000 per night.