The divorce drama between 50-year-old Bobby Flay and his estranged wife, 40-year-old Stephanie March, is heating up once more. Earlier in the year, March accused Flay of cheating on her with 28-year-old Elyse Tirrell , as reported by the Inquisitr . Stephanie claimed that Elyse acted nervously around her, and she attributed those actions to the fact that she later learned that Flay was sleeping with his Food Network “B-Team” member assistant. Now, March claims that January Jones is another one of the women Flay was sleeping with during their 10-year marriage.
According to the Daily Mail , Stephanie accused Bobby of having adulterous affairs with three women during their 10-year union, and says that January was one of the women he had sex with many times.
March’s claims line up with what TMZ reported years ago, saying that an eyewitness saw Flay arrive at the scene of a car accident that Jones met in June 2010. Back then, Flay claimed he’d only watched a basketball game with then 37-year-old January — who then asked the chef for his phone number for kitchen remodeling advice.
However, reflecting on the timing of the birth of January’s son — Xander Dane Jones — who was born on September 13, 2011, combined with the car accident date, these new accusations are lending more credence to the rumors that Flay may have fathered Jones’ 3-year-old son. Bobby, for his part, denied any romantic interactions with January, but a source told the New York Daily News that his relationship with Jones caused plenty of tension in his marriage.
I know Stephanie basically asked him after January Jones, “Did you f*** her?” They had a huge fight over January shortly before Stephanie asked him to move out of their place. There is communication between Bobby and January that indicates they were more than acquaintances.
Bobby’s divorce from Stephanie is pretty heated, reports TMZ, with March wanting their prenup tossed aside because she believes it is unfair. The couple has fought over the horse that Flay bought his wife — a winning equine that March says paid earnings pocketed by Flay.
Giada De Laurentiis , meanwhile, isn’t dating Flay, reports E! Online ? — despite rumors to the contrary floating around the web. With March’s latest accusations about January and her embattled husband, the rumors about Flay potentially being the unnamed father of Jones’ son seem all the more real with each revelation that spills from the contentious divorce.
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