Montel Williams put Josh Duggar on blast Thursday after the 19 Kids and Counting star confessed to having been investigated as a teenager for sexually molesting underage girls. Williams says Duggar is a hypocritical scumbag that is a danger to kids.
Montel went on his Twitter rant after news broke of Josh Duggar’s confession. As E! Online reports, Williams called out the 19 Kids star for being so outspoken against LGBT people.
After In Touch broke the Josh Duggar molestation story , the reality star resigned from his position with the Family Research Council, a conservative lobbying organization known for its advocacy against same-sex marriage. The FRC, according to Montel Williams, is nothing but a scam and that it is not gay people that are a danger to kids, but Duggar.
When Twitter fans gave him flack for coming down so hard on the 19 Kids star, the talk show host said he was not reacting to the “allegation itself, it was reacting to the hypocrisy of claiming #lgbt dangerous to kids with his history.”
Montel Williams also took to Facebook to provide further explanation to fans who may not understand where his anger is coming from.
“Josh chose his path – he chose to work for a bigot – Tony Perkins and his organization. He chose to make bigoted comments about ?#?lgbt individuals being dangers to kids – he chose to do ALL OF THOSE THINGS while hiding the fact his father had essentially covered up Josh having, by his own admission, molested his sisters as a teenager… Thing is this tends to happen with those who are extreme in their anti-gay bigotry – they all end up learning why it’s a bad idea to throw stones from a glass house.”
According to Williams, this indeed makes Josh Duggar a bigot and it is completely appropriate to label the reality star a hypocrite and a scumbag. He reiterates that given Duggar’s history, it is he who is a danger to children.
As the Inquisitr previously reported, in response to the sexual molestation allegations, Josh Duggar confessed to engaging in inappropriate behavior as a teenager with several underage girls, including some of his sisters.
“I hurt others, including my family and close friends. I confessed this to my parents who took several steps to help me address the situation. We spoke with the authorities where I confessed my wrongdoing, and my parents arranged for me and those affected by my actions to receive counseling. I understood that if I continued down this wrong road that I would end up ruining my life.”
[Image by Mark Wilson/Getty Images]