Fans of ABC’s The Bachelorette 2015 season got their first in-depth preview clip after Tuesday night’s episode. It was a juicy one that definitely has fans buzzing, especially since Kaitlyn Bristowe seems to be torn up over having slept with one of the guys too early in the process. What Bachelorette spoilers are available on this one?
During the clip, Kaitlyn Bristowe is seeing telling some of the bachelors that she had sex with someone. Other scenes of the preview show her crying quite a bit and talking about how she’s not a bad person and she made a mistake. She also says that things moved too fast with one relationship.
According to Reality Steve’s spoilers , Kaitlyn and Nick Viall had sex at some point, seemingly prior to the fantasy suites, and that’s what she’s referencing. He’ll surely be revealing more in his next blog post, but just that much definitely got fans buzzing online.
Not everybody is convinced that Kaitlyn sleeping with Nick is exactly what all the drama in the clip represents, though. As many know, the editing in these clips is designed to amp up the drama and buzz, even though oftentimes things don’t play out as they appear in the clips.
There have been Bachelorette spoilers floating around for a bit now that Nick Viall, from Andi Dorfman’s season, shows up in New York and asks to join the show. Reality Steve has written about how Nick and Kaitlyn flirted after she was done with The Bachelor and they texted, Facetimed, and tweeted quite a bit. Once they were united on the show, the sparks clearly flew and ABC isn’t even trying to keep that under wraps any longer.
However, did Kaitlyn and Nick sleep together mid-season? Reality Steve’s spoilers hadn’t teased anything about this until the preview aired, but he seems sure and he’ll certainly have more to reveal soon. The sleuthers over at the Bach and Bachette Fan Forums are looking scene-by-scene of this clip and not everybody is convinced the answer is so simple.
There is always a lot of slicing and dicing on these previews and that’s definitely the case here. Is it as simple as Kaitlyn and Nick having sex before the fantasy suites and Bristowe revealing it to the guys remaining in an effort to be honest? Could that all impact the ending of Season 11, if indeed Reality Steve’s Bachelorette spoilers are correct?
It will take a few episodes to find out for certain. Some think that in the clip Kaitlyn may have been referencing sleeping with Chris Soules during his season of The Bachelor when she specifically talks about having sex with someone, rather than a guy from this spring season of hers. Others think that it may have been one of the other guys, perhaps Dr. Chris Strandburg or Shawn Booth , who was intimate with Kaitlyn at some point prior to the overnight dates this season.
Whatever does happen, it doesn’t look like Kaitlyn herself is too flustered at this point. She teased via Twitter as the show wrapped Tuesday that this may well be the most dramatic season ever. No matter what all went down during the season, Kaitlyn says she’s happy with the experience and she’s seemed quite upbeat in her social media posts so far.
The only thing for certain is that there will definitely be some drama this season and the fans will be buzzing. Does Kaitlyn Bristowe find love this season? Will the spoiler clip truly be reflective of what actually happened this season? Tune in to ABC’s The Bachelorette 2015 season airing on Monday nights to see just what goes down.
[Image via Kaitlyn Bristowe’s Instagram ]