On January 15, 2015, WWE made it known they would be reviving their series Tough Enough . Originally announced during the Critics Association Winter Press Tour event in Los Angeles, California, the show will feature a completely new format different from the last five seasons, where it will play out more like American Idol . The submission process for this revival of Tough Enough is different too as social media plays a major role this time around. Because of this, there have been many to apply for Tough Enough .
The latest entry in the Tough Enough competition has shown that not only is he tough enough, but he is “fluffy” tough enough. That’s right! World-famous comedian Gabriel Iglesias has submitted for the show and it is hilarious.
The video was uploaded on May 12, 2015 and is recognized as one of the funnier videos submitted for Tough Enough , as reported by the Bleacher Report . The video that is making its rounds online has been attached below for viewing.
As shown, Gabriel Iglesias expresses his intent for Tough Enough by doing squats while a dude cries in fear upon his shoulders. Being a comedian, Iglesias had to throw in funny lines!
“I squat pretty white boys for breakfast… and lunch… and dinner!”
It should be noted that Gabriel Iglesias’ entry may not qualify. The official Tough Enough website provided a list of “ Do’s and Don’ts ” entrants must follow when it comes to their video submission. From the video shown above, Iglesias violated three rules. The first is having another person in the video. The second is having the video shoot for more than 60 seconds. And the third is he did not show off his physique. Despite said violations, the video is featured on WWE’s official Youtube page. This has stirred debate as if WWE let the violations slide due to Iglesias’ fame. A more valid reason is the video is simply promotion for Tough Enough .
[Image via Erika Goldring/Getty]